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Nash: "Just know that I'm always Parallel on the other side"

Always, no matter what, Nash has been there for you to fall back on. You have no doubt that he will continue to be there when you need him. He has yet to leave you hanging.

Cameron: "I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go"

He's not afraid of you breaking his heart or vice versa. He will literally go to any base with you, emotionally and physically. He's ready when you're ready. He knows you're worth it and regret won't be a problem at all.

Carter: "The vacancy that sat in my heart, Is a space that now you hold."

He has never been big on love. He found girls attractive yes and has had his share of thoughts. Never though, until you, had he been in love. Falling for someone has never struck him as appealing. He didn't want anyone else to have control over him in that way. You changed his mind though and became his heart.

Aaron:"...You were right here all along."

He didn't know it was you at first. Aaron was confused with his feelings and wasn't sure who was best for him. He searched and searched, you by his side for help. You were his friend and wanted only the best for him. One day he realized that what was best, was you. You were the only one who had been by his side from the start. Through thick and thin.

Jack J : "And I can't help but stare, cause I see truth somewhere in your eyes."

Honestly has always been vital and prevalent between you and him. No matter what, he knows he can look at you and see someone who loves him truly for who he is.

Matt: "You reflect me, I love that about you."

You understand him when no one else does. When he's lost and down you know how to fix it. You are everything good about him bundled up into one, "in an angelic form" he says. He loves the way you make him a better person without really changing him.

Shawn: "Cause I don't wanna lose you now, I'm lookin' right at the other half of me."

He's always afraid of loosing you. You are basically his life, so without you he would be devastated and so lost. He didn't know what he was missing until he found you, but now he try's his all to make sure he will never loose you. Without you he'd be half a heart.

Hayes: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow's a mystery"

The past is past and the future is still unknown. You two don't judge each other for things that happened prior to your relationship. People changed for the better all the time. Neither of you look back with doubts. In relation, you both try not to think too far ahead either. What happens tomorrow happens, and what happened yesterday has already past. Everything is fine as long as you two stick together. Go with the flow.

Taylor: "So now I say goodbye to the old me, it's already gone."

Taylor has been through some stuff. He's never been as perfect and stable as people set him out to be. You came along and changed him for the better. He freely accepted you into his life and never thought twice about leaving his old self behind. It was better off this way, for the both of you.

Jack G: "You are, you are, the love of my life."

It means exactly as the lyrics state. You are the love of his life. He knows he is young, and marriage is quite a ways away, but he plans to stick with you until the time comes. He is willing to wait however long is necessary.

{ I wasn't going to update this today because I already updated, but it was so cute I had too. Quite Proud of myself here ~G}

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