He finds out you used to self harm part 1

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Your laughs bombarded through the hotel room, Nash's a little louder than yours. You didn't know why he was laughing, you were the one getting tickled. "Nash- Nash stop." You breathlessly let out the words while trying to control your laugh. He pulled your shirt up a bit and squeezed your bare side, you didn't think anything of it. That was until he stop and instead of his tight and ticklish grip, his fingers slowly traced your skin. "Nash what are you do-" You froze stiff when you looked down at your hip bone. You quickly pulled your shorts up and moved away from Nash and his saddened gaze.

"Babe did you-" you shook your head, cutting him off. "I don't want to talk about it Nash." Your voice was cold and strict. You almost never talked to him like that. "Come here." He grabbed your hand and pulled you toward him. He wrapped his arms tightly around you and sighed. "Your past is your past. But just promise me that's all it is. You don't still hurt yourself do you?" You closed your eyes and shook your head. You didn't like to talk about your previous self harm experience with others or even think about it alone to yourself. You like to pretend it never happened, it's better that way. It's like you've always been a perfectly happy and stable girl. The one Nash has help you become. "I promise I don't do that anymore. Not since I've had you." He pulled away a small smile appearing on his face. "Then I promise that I'm here to stay. I better not ever finding you hurting yourself."


He grabbed your hand as you sat across from him at the small cafe table. "You're beautiful." He let out, looking straight into your eyes. You laughed at how cheesy he was. It was unimpressive, but utterly adorable. "You've told me many times." You smiled at him and pulled away to grab your cup. As you looked down you panicked. You forgot to put on your bracelets this morning. You had slept in and were in a rush. Your old scars were completely visible. You quietly put your hands into your lap, so that your wrist were not visible to Cameron. He looked at you strangely and tilted his head. "Are you alright?" You nodded quickly and firmly, lying was easy for you. He bought it and just continued to talk.

Minutes past, about ten, when you un-subconsciously reached for your drink while listening to your boyfriend talk. His eyes followed your hands, being the only movement at the table and his voice stopped mid sentence. "Cameron?" He gulped and shook his head. "Please don't tell me those are what I think they are." You looked around and behind you confused. "What are you-", but then you noticed. His eyes were locked to the coffee cup in your hand. You already knew without looking it was the scars he was talking about.

"Cameron I-" he ran his hand through his hair and cut you off mid sentence. "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He slowly grabbed the coffee cup from your hand and pulled your arm over to him. He ran his finger over the scars. They were perfectly closed and healing. "As you can see it hasn't been a problem for a long while now Cameron." He looked up at you and then back down at the scars lining your wrist. "You still should have told me. Just incase." You pulled your wrist away abruptly and sharpened your tone. "Incase what Cameron? I'm not going to do it ever again. I'm clean and I plan to stay that way. I don't need anyone's help. Other people knowing will just make it worse." He was silent for a moment just looking at you. Then he nodded firmly and took a deep breath. "Well I'm super fucking proud you overcame your own demons then. I have no doubt you are indeed strong enough to face it on your own. But if you ever find yourself in a moment of weakness I swear I am here for you."


You pulled away from your boyfriend, removing your lips from his. "Babe." He whines, pulling you back onto him. Lately Hayes has been very sexually frustrated it was clear. You two have never actually had sex, merely fooled around and whatnot. He had surely never seen you fully naked. Without a top yes, but he's never been able to see your upper inner thigh that's for sure. That's where the scars were. You honestly wanted Hayes too. You've been dating for a little over a year, can't keep the boy waiting forever. Plus you were just really turned on by him.

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