Total Eclipse Of The Heart

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Matthew: "Every now and then I get a little bit lonely and you're never coming round.."

It's hard, being so far apart all the time. In a relationship the point is having Someone to love that is there to help you though life. That's hard to do when you are always so far apart. He's always busy and on the go. Moments will creep up when he feels completely and utterly alone, when the hate screams inside of his head. He wants you but he knows you won't be coming around any time soon.

Cameron: "I get a little bit nervous That the best of all the years have gone by..."

Cameron is not a young teenager like Shawn or Hayes. He is a grown man. Wether he likes it or not his time has gone by quicker than expected. Fame is a fast and busy life. He believes that with every second he's working on his career he is pushing you further and his true self further away. He's becoming less of Cameron Dallas , the boy with a dream. And becoming more like Cameron Dallas, the fake image of an Internet sensation. Every time he looks at you he wishes he was just a regular 20 year old, going to school and coming back to his apartment to spend time with you. He fears that the best years of his life may be going to waste for his fame can't last forever, like his youth it will die away. Looking at you remind him of that and it hurts.

Shawn: "Every now and then I get a little bit terrified And then I see the look in your eyes.."

Shawn constantly fears letting his fans, friends, and family down. He carriers a lot of weight on his shoulders and it fucking scares him to death. He tries to handle himself but sometimes it's just too much, he becomes terrified at every possible thought of failure. But you are always right there to soothe him. When he sees the look in your eyes, the look of pure pride and happiness that he himself has caused, he knows he's going to be fine. He's done alright so far.

Nash: "Every now and then, I fall apart"

It's easy for Nash to feel hated and unwanted, just read some of his mentions. He isn't exactly the most loved person on the planet and he knows that. He doesn't expect to be either, which is why he is usually fine. But when they hate you, exemplify every small fault you have by a thousand, that's when he hurts. Wether you are offended or not it drives him insane, he falls apart. He loves you and doesn't understand why people won't accept that. It kills him.

Hayes: "I get a little bit angry and I know I've got to get out and cry.."

You are strong, for yourself and for Hayes. Loving such a big shot isn't the easiest thing ever but it's worth it. Sometimes though you are too strong. You bind away and hide your emotions, they unknowingly build up inside of you. Every now and then there's that one thing, wether it be fans hating you, Hayes having to be gone extra long, or simply a missed phone call, that just drives you over the edge. You've got to just let it out and cry sometimes wether you deem that strong or not

Jack J: "And I need you now tonight, And I need you more than ever"

You are alway there for Jack, always supporting him. Truly you deserve a damn girlfriend of the year award. If he has ever needed you, you have been there. All he has to do is say "Babe, I need you." And you will instantly be on your way or already there.

Sammy: "And If you only hold me tight, We'll be holding on forever"

Every time he holds you in his arms he knows what he truly has. Sam does take you for granted. He's a hot guy, girls drool over him. Yet he chose you and truly sometimes he wonders why. Why does he love you so much? Honestly there's no answer, he just does. When he holds in his arms though , that feeling, that stupid fucking feeling he loves and can't describe, it makes him want to hold on to you forever. That feeling is pure love and he knows it.

Jack G: "Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time"

No matter where he may be in the world he is thinking of you. You could be right by his side or halfway across the country and it won't matter. Distance only make his heart grow fonder. His feelings for you are alway there as are your feelings for him.

Taylor: "I know you'll never be the boy You always wanted to be.."

Fame has changed Taylor and he knows that. It haunts him when you mention it. He isn't the man you fell in love with, but you can't blame him. Behind close doors he lives a stressful life. He wants to be that boy again but you doubt that's possible. That boy is gone and it devastates you.

Aaron: "I know you'll always be the only boy who wanted me the way that I am"

He loves you and every flaw that you have. Aaron does not treat you as a lesser woman for having issues. You may have hurt yourself before and you may not be a perfect size 0. But he would never ask you to change. You got extremely lucky with Aaron, he's the best thing to ever happen to you.

Dillon: "There used to be a light in my life..."

You left him because you just didn't feel wanted anymore. Only when it was too late did he realize his mistakes. You had been the light in his life and now he's left alone I'm the dark. He's scared of the dark, of his life without you.

{ Dedicated to Bixbespinosa because she requested it and really is one of my favorite readers. Also to Macbarbian07 because she nicely dm'ed me her appreciation towards my writing and that made my day. You both are the real MVP's . ~G }

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