I promise...

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Matt"...To always keep you safe"

Truly he cares for your well being so much more than his own. You are his one and only, if you were to ever get hurt he would feel at fault for not protecting you. Therefore, he always keeps you as safe as possible.

Nash: "...To Always come back"

Nash leaves a lot, and you support his traveling and Career. Every now and then though you can't help but think he won't come back. What if he decides he is better off without you. You fear that with every goodbye there might not be a following hello. He knows better though, home is where you are. He will always come back to you.

Cameron: "...It's only you"

Cameron is very friendly to his fans, sometimes a little too much you would say. It scared you because honestly he is perfect and could have anyone. He swears though that no matter what people say and what pictures he takes you're the only one he truly feels for. It's only you and that's how it will be forever.

Carter: "...That I'm in love with you"

Carter truly does love you so much. It's hard for him to show it because he too has to give a large portion of his love to the fans. So much feeling can drain a young boy like him. He tries his hardest though whenever he can to remind and show you that he does indeed love you most of all. He loves his friends and fans, but he is in love with you.

Jack G: "...That you're worth it"

It can be difficult to juggle a growing career, million of fans, family, and a girlfriend. You sometimes add onto his problems. He misses you too much and every girl can be a hassle at times. In the end though he has only positive thoughts about you. For the moments you share are always worth the trouble.

Hayes: "... That I Will always need you"

Hayes is well rounded and honestly in the relationship you are the weak-link. Hayes is in his prime, fame is becoming his friend. You were convinced that he would soon loose need for you. He on the other hand knew that you were in fact his drive for success. He wants you to be proud of him. Without you he would be a lost puppy in the limelight.

Taylor: "...I don't care what they say"

People just did not accept your relationship with Taylor. People try to tear you both down with every word they speak. It gets to you sometimes but honestly Taylor could not care less what anyone else says. Your opinion is the only.one that matters him. He loves you and no amount of hateful vulgar words can change that.

Shawn: "...To hold you close"

He fears loosing you. He doesn't want his fame to intimidate you or drive you away. Busy or not he goes out of his way to keep you close. Your touch and voice are his muse.Without you he wouldn't know what to do. He has no choice but to keep you close, for loosing you would devastate him.

Jack J: "... I will always be there"

Whether he is physically by your side or not he is with you. Just a phone call or text away he will always be. Distance only makes the heart grow fonder. If you ever were to really need him by your Side, if away, he would do his all to be there for you. He let's you know.you are never alone in this word.

Aaron: "...To always be honest with you"

You are very afraid of being broken down with lies and unloyal actions. You don't open up to everyone so when Aaron found his way into your heart he knew how lucky he was. To break you with lies would be a stupid mistake he knows. Honesty is a much better.choice. Never does he hide a thing from you, his love.

{ Hey guys so my vacation is over. Im currently driving, still got six hours till im half way Woah. But I will be updating quicker now that my vacation is over just letting you guys know. Thanks for the votes babes. Btw if you have certain preference ideas let me know or if you want me to write for Jacob or Dillon which im totally ok with doing if someone wants me too. I am sorry for talking so much. Love you guys bye ~G}

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