What you do on his birthday

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(This is not a material gift you give him for his birthday, it's an action you do for him)

Taylor: You give him a blow-job

Jack G: You give him Breakfast in bed, you feed him

Nash: You clean the whole house

Shawn: You serenade him (If you can't sing then that's even cuter awe, E for effort. I can't sing either it's ok.)

Carter: You give him a lap dance

Aaron: You throw him a surprise Party

Cameron: You shower with him

Hayes: You give him a massage

Dillon: You take him out to dinner

Sammy: You give him a hand-job

Jack J: You take a bath with him

Matt: You give him all day Birthday Sex, whenever he pleases

{ Ok so yeah some of those are dirty actions, deal with it. Btw, I saved the best birthday boy for last today. Can not believe little Matt is 17. He really is the smart one of the group, bless his heart. Love that boy. He is almost a man by law oh god.

Anyways I need to go now, probably tweet about Matt's birthday tbh. This chapter is dedicated to Matt and Matt only because it's his birthday. I will pick one of you for next chapter though and the rest. Today is for Matthew though. Happy birthday bud. ~G }

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