He thinks you're asleep

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Carter: He slowly moved his fingertips up and down your back, planting small kisses near your shoulder blades. "You're so perfect", you heard him whisper.

Sammy: He pulled you closer to him, his bare chest against your back. He then snuggled into your hair and sighed, playing one or two small kisses on your neck before going back to sleep himself.

Hayes: He traced the edge of your jaw with his thumb and then ran it over your bottom lip. He admired your features silently before planting a soft warm kiss on your cheek and then getting up.

Nash: He laced his hand through yours and brought the back of your hand up to his lips repetitively. "I love you", he whispered.

Jack G: He gently moved your hair out of your face. His touch was remarkably soft, as if he hardly laid a finger on you. He leaned forward and planted a kiss of your forehead. "What would I do without you?", he said rhetorically, gratefully.

Matthew: You lied on the couch, the cold air all around you. Matt bent down, putting a hand to your arm. He then sighed and seconds later you felt a blanket being sprawled across your body. "My baby can't be cold", He said quietly. It was a selfless action that you appreciated more than he knew.

Shawn: He ran his hand slowly up and down your thigh, planting many quick kisses to your arm. But he said nothing, in fear of accidentally waking you with the sound of his voice.

Cameron: You heard the bedroom door open so you closed your eye quickly, pretending to sleep. "Babe?" Cameron's voice let out but you didn't respond. Second later you felt the bed weigh down besides you and his arms wrap around you. He pulled you close to his chest and planted a kiss on the top I your head. "My Sleeping beauty", he said amusingly.

Aaron: He took some of your hair and gently twisted a strand around his finger as he looked at you sleeping. He thought you were exotic and beautiful. He didn't say anything or touch you anymore than by the hair for he wanted you to rest peacefully.

Taylor: He literally let out a cheesy pickup line, something about your dad stealing the stars to make you. You weren't really sure. But then he laughed quietly, taking your hand in his. You had to clench your teeth to bite back you own laugh.

Jack J: You woke before him, but as he turned over in bed you closed your eyes and silenced yourself. It was too quite at first and you were almost sure he was still asleep. Then you felt his hand Caress the side of your cheek. He then planted an extremely soft kiss on your lips before whispering the words "God damn it, I love you."

Dillon: He pulled you closer to him, almost on top of him. You could hear his heartbeat you two were so close. He put his arms around you and sighed. "How did God come up with something so perfect?", he said openly and loudly as if he knew your were awake.


{Oh my god you guys. I got more than one hundred votes just yesterday alone. I love you all. This one is dedicated to Kitty_Ships because that's who I feel like dedicating it to. ~G }

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