➼ 5

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"Hey dimwit, give me your phone."

"No, why would I?"

"If you want to get out of here, hand me your phone."

You glare at him, hesitantly fishing out your phone from your pocket. You hand it to him, his eyebrows furrow as he takes it from you. You notice how even your phone was sticky and a few traces of ice cream were over it. Yoongi's expression turns sour once he feels the sticky substance against his palm. He grunts.

"You asked for it." You roll your eyes.

"Disgusting." He mutters.

"Where's your phone anyways?" You ask.

"I left it on my desk." He answers back.


He snaps his head toward your direction, glowering at you. You roll your eyes once more in response as he focuses his attention back on your phone. The two of you remain silent with your back turned against him. Just then, his voice echoes throughout the room.

"You know what's also disgusting? You. Go get changed." He blurts.

"I wouldn't be a mess if someone took the mature route." You retort.

"You wouldn't be a mess if you weren't such a klutz." He retaliates.

"I wouldn't be a mess if you slept on your desk!"

"Whatever, put on your gym clothes or something." He replies, tapping on your phone.

"I don't have them. They're in the classroom." You roll your eyes.

"Then change into mine. Locker 21B."

Your eyes widen at his offer. You look over to catch his expression, but he was serious.

"No way I'm changing into those. I don't want to get infected with your ill-mannered ways." You say.

"Suit yourself." He shrugs it off, bringing your phone to his ear.

"Who are you calling?" You ask.

"My phone."

"Why are you calling your phone? I could have just called Sumin or Chaeyeon." You say.

"You think I haven't tried that? Oh, let's see you get us out of here, Miss Know-It-All." He retaliates.

This causes an uncomfortable silence to settle between you two. You want to say a word but you decide not to. Your head snaps to his direction when you hear the other line start to ring and Yoongi patiently waits for someone to pick up his phone. After a few more tries, he let out curses as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Any luck?" You ask, voice quiet.

"No, but the boys should have noticed it by now." He says, frustrated.

He throws himself on the ground, lying down in defeat. You watch as he buried his face in his palms while letting out a muffled sigh. You're just as distressed as he is, but even more so feeling cold. You shiver under your cold uniform, putting your arms around yourself in an attempt to warm yourself.

"Are you cold?" He suddenly asks, catching your attention.

"Yeah." You reply, unable to throw any insults to his face.

"I told you, locker 21B."

"Fine, why do you care anyway?" You mumble, heading toward the locker rooms.

"If you die here, I'm going to jail and let me tell you, I still have dreams I want to fulfill." He says, burying his face into his palms again.

"Whatever." You reply, walking off to find his locker.

You enter the men's locker rooms, scanning for the one with a '21B' on it. It doesn't take long before you manage to spot it. You throw the doors open, and to your surprise, you find his clothes neatly folded inside. You take the white shirt out along with a pair of jogging pants and decided to change into it.

ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ

『ʏᴏᴏɴɢɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ』

I pull at my hair in frustration, seeing as no one would pick up. I decide to try calling my phone once again, but as I expect, it only keeps ringing continuously with no one picking up on the other end. I end the call and lower the phone. Upon pressing the home screen button, I scan and take notice of her wallpaper - a brown and furry animal next to her smiling face.

Could this be her dog?

If it is, then I didn't think that dimwit would be capable of owning one.

I continue to stare at it, my mind wandering to my own dog, Molly. I lean closer to the screen to take a closer look. However, I was startled when a message popped out. Almost dropping the phone, I read who it's from to find it from her friend, Sumin.

I immediately dial and press her name from the contact list, bringing the phone close to my ear. In the first ring, she immediately picks up and I could hear her panicked voice.

"(f/n)?! Where are you? What's taking you so long? I-"


"Oh, Yoongi."

This witch gets on my nerves every time.

"Don't 'Oh, Yoongi' me, let us out!" I say, snarling.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but that wasn't my idea." She says.

"Oh yeah? Who the hell did this then?" I reply, gritting my teeth.

"Why don't you ask your stupid crew?" She retorts.

"Don't insult my friends." I say, voice becoming low.

"Whatever, don't even think you'd be able to get out before any time soon." She says, and I could tell she was rolling her eyes.

"But I need to-"

"Have fun rotting in there."

And just like that, the other line was cut off. I try to redial her number again but she wouldn't pick up. My anger bubbles up, making me want to throw the phone across the room, but I remember it wasn't mine. Glancing at the time displayed on the screen, it read 5:38 pm.

What the hell am I going to do until then?

I was alarmed when a loud noise comes from nearby. I let out a sigh as I remember it was probably the dimwit in my clothes by now. As if on cue, her figure comes into view, wearing my shirt and jogging pants.

"Seeing you in my gym clothes make me wanna gag." I utter.

"Shut up, your clothes are hella comfy." She remarks, smirking as she got closer.

"Yeah? Well, don't even mind returning them. I don't want your cooties." I spat.

"Geez." She blurts.

I feel her figure sit next to mine, bringing her knees to her chest. I really want to insult her, but as I glance at her, she looks like she is in deep thought so I decide to leave her be. I scoot a bit farther away from her, leaning against the wall.

It was silent, none of us dared to speak a word. I guess we were both frustrated and didn't really see the need to make acquaintances despite our situation. Seeing as time went by so slow, I lie back down on the cold, hard floor.

And before I know it, I fall asleep.

Min Yoongi // Took the FallWhere stories live. Discover now