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"Bring on the dare."

"Quite the daredevil, are we, (f/n)?"

You are (f/n) (l/n) - your typical bizarre teenager, a senior in high school, an absolute foodie lover, etc. You are always known to be the 'indifferent' one, but that didn't really matter to you. You could care less about what people thought of you, not one tiny bit.

"You sure you're up for the challenge?" Sumin asks, concerned about her friend.

"What's the worst that could happen?" You scoff playfully.

"Since you put it that way..." Chaeyeon smirks, trailing off.

You watch as she casually grabs her bag, placing it on top of her desk. You raise an eyebrow and wonder what could have been going on in the woman's brain, confused about the devilish grin plastered on her face. Sumin could only watch in horror as her friend pulls out an object from her bag, raising it in the air.

"Here you go." Chaeyeon smiles, handing it to you.

"W-Wait, what in the world is this?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows.

"Ain't it obvious yet, (f/n)? It's an egg." Chaeyeon rolls her eyes.

"Actually, the more important question is, why do you keep an egg in your bag?" Sumin butts in, just about confused.

"Oh, shut up, Sumin." Chaeyeon sighs.

"But in all seriousness, what kind of normal student keeps an egg in their bag?" Sumin continued to rant, in which both of you had zoned out at this point.

The girl stops talking, only shifts uncomfortably in her seat after noticing, not wanting to upset her friend even more. Chaeyeon gives her an apologetic smile before turning to you with the creepiest look ever.


"Oh, it's simple, (f/n). All you really have to do is crack that egg on top of the next person's head that comes in through that door." She shrugs.

"Chae, are you out of your mind?" Sumin frowns.

"Hello? I've always been?" Chaeyeon chuckles.

You watch as the two girls playfully bicker between each other. You shake your head, firmly grasping the egg in your palm. Your mind flies at the possible victims and outcomes, several scenarios playing in your head. Mere seconds later, your train of thought gets cut off as the door slams open. You mentally sigh, preparing yourself to take action against the poor victim. Upon looking up, you were met with a pair of glistening eyes.

"Why did it have to be Hoseok?!" Sumin silently cries.

Just as you heard her, Hoseok casually walks into the classroom while giving high-fives to the people he passes by. A sudden nudge on the side causes you to lose your balance, stumbling a little. Your eyes meet the glance of the girl, urging you to do your dare.

You heave out a sigh, pushing yourself towards the direction of the bright and cheerful boy. You were starting to feel bad already. You took small steps, trying not to be so obvious.

Did I also mention how much of a klutz you are?

"(f/n), watch out!"

And just like that, a mysterious object has suddenly appeared in front of you, causing you to trip. Falling felt like watching the world spin in slow motion, watching the people around you react in fright. But before you completely fell, you manage to catch a glimpse of mint hair. The unexpected happens, and you lose your grip as the object in your hand falls onto his head.

"What the hell?!"

Min Yoongi // Took the FallWhere stories live. Discover now