➼ 3

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"Can't I cool down after that horrendous encounter I had with you?" He spat.

"Well, too bad. We got here first." You spat back.

"Oh, please. I'm not letting you ruin another good moment." He hisses.

"Then just keep your distance, mister. It's best for us to steer clear from one another." You reply.

"Like I want to be associated with your dumbness anyways." He replies, walking away.

The nerve of that guy!

You were practically gritting your teeth as you watch him regroup with his other friends. Chaeyeon was halfheartedly amused, patting your hand to calm you down. Sumin, on the other hand, was frozen. The poor girl slowly takes a seat, totally forgetting about the orders.

"Sumin, you okay?" Chaeyeon asks, waving a hand in front of her face.

"Woah, Su. You look much more astonished than I am." You remark, feeling a little guilty.

Sumin only laughs nervously in response, waving a hand in the air. Both of you look at her with concern, Chaeyeon holding her hand for support. Just then, you could feel eyes on your table, and it was no mistaking it - Yoongi's group.

"You know what, I'll go grab our orders. We could really use some right now." Chaeyeon says, casually grabbing the money from Sumin's hand.

As Chaeyeon makes her way to the counter, the seven boys stood to the side while looking around the store. You roll your eyes as another pair of eyes land on you, in which he shivers at your intimidating ambiance.

"(f/n), be honest with me." Sumin suddenly speaks up.

"Sure, what's up?" You ask softly.

"Why in the world do you love picking fights with someone?" She blurts.

"It's just for f-"

"It makes me not want to be your friend sometimes."

Your heart sinks when you see her facial expression turn sad. You catch the way her eyes start to gloss and her lips parts slightly. It dawned you how Sumin could still never use a curse word, but you know how serious she was. You know she means every word. You couldn't find the words to say anything, so you hang your head low.

"You know this isn't the first time you got into a fight, (f/n)." She continues, looking down at her lap.

"I'm sorry, Sumin." You apologiz.

"I'm back!" Chaeyeon happily exclaims, appearing on the table with three cups of ice cream.

She was baffled as soon as she sees the two friends looking glum, barely saying anything. Sumin scoots over, giving her some space to sit down. She hesitantly takes the seat next to her, giving you and Sumin your orders.

"Is there anything I should be aware of?" Chaeyeon asks, totally confused.

"Woah, the order came fast." You reply, changing the subject.


Sumin was completely cut off as a cup was slammed onto the table. All eyes land on the male who stood in front of your group, his fellow friends watching him from behind. You want to sigh, irked by his wrong timing.

"Can't you see we're busy?" You retort, avoiding his gaze.

"Can't you see no other table is vacant? So, scoot over, you dimwit." He responds, shoving himself on the spot next to you.

"Woah, not all seven of you are gonna fit!" You complain, glaring at him.

"Then I'm gonna ask you to leave then." He glares back, motioning for the boys to come closer.

"You jerk-"

"Come on, (f/n). Let's just go." Sumin cuts you off, eyes pleading.

"W-What, n-no! I'm not gonna let him-"

"(f/n)." Chaeyeon stops you, placing an arm on your shoulder.

"Please." Sumin begs, eyes pleading.

Your eyes widen as the two girls stood there waiting for you. Your eyes shift to your friends and onto Yoongi's group. You sigh in defeat, grabbing your things before leaving the booth without uttering another word. Yoongi sits with a smirk on his face, watching the trio exit the store.

ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ

『ʏᴏᴏɴɢɪ's ᴘᴏᴠ』

"Hyung, don't you think your taking this a bit too far?" A voice asks, settling down across from me.

"She deserves it, Tae." I reply, shoving some ice cream into my mouth.

"Oh, come on, hyung. It couldn't have been that bad." A voice next to me says.

"You don't even know the whole story, Jimin." I scoff.

"Aish, stop pestering Yoongi and give him some time to cool off. It's not our place to decide for him, it happened to him after all." Jin speaks up, immediately silencing the group.

The rest shrug it off, the juniors lowering their heads in response. I let out a sigh, finishing the last bits of my ice cream. Glancing up, I notice the maknaes scooping their food in silence while the seniors are engaged in small talk.

"So, how's your class doing?" Namjoon asks, eyeing the juniors.

"Ah, the usual, hyung." Jungkook replies.

"By usual, do you mean making a fool of yourselves?" I spat.

"Wah, Yoongi hyung is so mean today!" Taehyung cries.

"Well, he is having a bad day." Hobi points out.

"What do you mean? He's always been like that." Jungkook replies.

I roll my eyes as the conversation continues. I tune myself out of it and let my mind wander to the dimwit, thinking about how much I showed her who's boss. I couldn't help but smirk, thinking about more ways to get back at her.

"Hyung is smiling! I repeat, hyung is smiling!" I hear Taehyung exclaim, snapping me out my trance.

"I don't think I would want to know." Jimin mutters.

"Something on your mind, Yoongi?" Jin asks.

"I've got a master plan in my head, and you're all gonna help me with it." I say, giving them a smug look.

"What is it?" Hobi asks.

"It's time to break that egg cracker's heart." I smile.

"Seriously? Can't think of better nicknames, hyung?"

"Oh, shut up, Jungkook. I ain't gonna buy you lamb skewers."


"But hyung, I don't want to get involved!" Taehyung exclaims, Jimin agreeing with him.

"Do it for your gramps!" Hobi encourages, in which I give him a glare.

After some convincing toward our maknae line, they finally agree and we left the store. Even after everything that's happened today, I was starting to feel relieved and relaxed on the way home. I bid my goodbye to the boys as they took the train, leaving me to bike back home.

Upon reaching our porch, I throw my bike to the ground and hurriedly enter the house. The scent of my mom's cooking fills the entire household, causing me to feel hungry. I dash to my room, placing my belongings onto my bed and hastily making my way downstairs.

"Need help, mom?" I ask, entering the kitchen.

"Ah, Yoongi! Could you pass me the eggs?"

I scorn at the sight of the objects placed on the counter.

Min Yoongi // Took the FallWhere stories live. Discover now