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Your eyes wandered to your fingers which was intertwined with Yoongi's. You smiled at the sight. You remembered him telling you how your hand fit perfectly in his and you couldn't agree more. Your head rested against his shoulder, eyes closed as you enjoyed his presence. You could feel him chuckle lightly beside you, his shoulder moving in an up and down motion.

"What's so funny?" You asked, eyes still closed.

"How I managed to catch a fallen star." He replied.

"Hmm, how'd you do that?" You hummed.

"I don't know, maybe you should ask yourself." He whispered.

A small giggle erupted from your lips, filling his ears with satisfaction. Yoongi didn't waste the opportunity to wrap his arm around you and pull you closer to him. A comforting silence lingered around you both who sat on Yoondo's rooftop. You stared at the night sky, watching the glistening stars.


You hummed in response again.

"Thank you."

You moved away from him to take a good look at his face. You could see how his soft eyes were sparkling with bewilderment. However, it didn't only hold confusion. There was an undeniable passion burning behind them as well. You smiled at him. His heart leaped at that sight. If that wasn't enough, you placed your hand on his left cheek, causing him to grin from ear-to-ear.

A small gap in between your lips.

Yoongi leaned in, and so did you. Centimeters apart from closing the space, you could feel his breath tickle your skin lightly. At this point, none of you could take the smile off of your mouths. You closed your eyes, chuckling as you did. However, Yoongi eyed your face. He eyed your hair flowing in the wind, your long eyelashes that complimented your eyes, your cheeks that dusted a soft pink, to your lips that he kissed back then for the first time in his life.

He thought it was crazy to have you sitting in front of him.

The same girl who cracked an egg on his head.

The same girl he lent his gym clothes to.

The same girl who saw him in his boxers.

The same girl he fell in love with.

With a tilt of his head, he leaned closer and closer. He was seconds away from capturing your lips into a kiss when a loud knock from the door caused both of you two pull away abruptly.

"You two better not be doing anything gross!" Yoondo yelled from the other side.

"Last time I checked, you were mixing ice cream and soda." You rolled your eyes, shouting back.

"I did and I threw up, but don't do anything nasty! This is still my house!" Yoondo's voice faded, footsteps echoing with it.

You exchanged a look with Yoongi, who only blinked thrice. You stifled a laugh, Yoongi did the same. Soon enough, both of you were lying on your stomachs, bursting out in laughter. Eventually, it died down and you were left to catch your breath. Seconds later, you heard Yoongi stand. He made his way over to you, extending a hand. You grabbed it, allowing him to pull you up and bump into his chest.

"Hey, before we head back down. Can I ask you to do something for me?" He asks.

"What is it?"

He smiles, taking your hand and leading you towards the edge of the rooftop. Your eyebrows raised when you saw how high you were. You quickly clutched to Yoongi's arm. The boy chuckled, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"I need you to stand on the ledge." He says.

Your eyes widened. You were about to swat him on the chest but you realized he wasn't joking.

"Yoongi, are you sure? What's going on?" You ask.

"Please trust me."

His voice sounded so innocent, it made it hard for you to say no. He pleaded with his eyes, something you couldn't resist. With a sigh, you pulled away and carefully got on the ledge without any questions. Yoongi held your hand the entire time. He kept a close eye on you and made sure you remain balanced on your two feet.

"What do I do now?" You ask.

"Turn around."

You gulped and did as told. He slowly let go of your hand as you turned your back against him. For a while, all you could see was the flashing city lights. As much as breathtaking it looked, it still frightened you. You took a deep breath, fighting your fears and doubts on both heights and Yoongi.

"Fall backward."

You listened. You closed your eyes and allowed your body to fall back. Honestly, you were scared. However, you trusted Yoongi. You know he wouldn't make the same mistake of hurting you. You just knew. in an instant, your body relaxed as the cold air hit your skin.

And just like that, you landed in a pair of arms safely.

"I got you." He whispered softly.

You were surprised to find tears trailing down your cheeks.  You couldn't hold them back, so you let them fall freely. Yoongi felt the liquid land on his arm. He wasted no time and put you down, spun you around, and pulled you into a hug.

"I finally got you." He repeated, his voice cracking.

It was only the beginning.

"Thank you for taking the fall.

Now that I have you,

I won't ever let you go."

Min Yoongi // Took the FallWhere stories live. Discover now