➼ 6

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You have your knees pulled to your chest as you place your head on top of it. You were deep in thought when you heard a series of faint snores. Your eyes widen, scanning the room for the possible source of the noise, but your eyes land on the male who sat next to you.

You take in his physical features - from the way his hair sticks out, his slightly furrowed eyebrows, his hands lazily plopped on the floor, and to the way his mouth hung. You let out a sigh of content, unconsciously smiling to yourself as the calm vibe now surrounds the gym.

For the first time, it felt nice to be around him.

Despite Yoongi's snores, you were able to discern the small sound that came from your phone. You scoot closer to him, gently bringing your hand to your phone that laid on his chest. You manage to catch the notification of a new message pop up as the screen lights up. You hastily grab it, but careful enough to not wake him up.

1 new message from Chaeyeon (aka queen)

"omg (f/n), i'm so sorry! sumin and i got carried away, are you okay?
where are you?"

You read the message and immediately tap a reply, letting her know about your whereabouts and how sad it is to be trapped next to your least favorite person. Upon pressing send, you feel the figure beside you stir and sit up while ruffling his hair.

"Why, good morning, sleeping stupid."

"Shut up, will you?"

"Before you tell me to shut it, at least let me say 'you're welcome', you jerk." You roll your eyes.

"Why would I want to thank you?" He asks, eyebrows furrowed.

"Because I'm getting us out of here." You give him a smug look.

"And how would you do that, dimwit?"

You smirk, shoving the phone to his face. He was startled when the bright screen wakes him up completely, slapping your hand to read what was on the screen. He only scoffs in response, lying back down on the floor.

"For once, you were useful." He says, shutting his eyes with his hands behind his head.

"Yeah? How about you make yourself useful too?" You reply.

You patiently wait for him to counter back with an insult, but he decides to ignore you. You raise an eyebrow at him but shrug it off once you realize he isn't going to bother annoying you further. You avert your gaze and trace circles on the floor with your finger. It just seems strange whenever he doesn't fight back.

Suddenly, the sound of the gym doors throwing open got both of you on your feet in an instant. Turning your head towards your savior, you were shocked to see not your friends or Yoongi's, but another student from your class. You exchange a look with Yoongi for a brief second.

"Isn't that the guy who sits in the front row?" Yoongi asks.

"I guess." You reply.

"I have no idea what his name is." Yoongi admits.

"It's- um, Yoondo." He says, casually holding the door.

"I think it's none of my business." Yoongi mumbles, walking towards the door.

"What an ungrateful fool." You mutter harshly, glaring at him.

Yoondo only stares at the two of you before lowering his gaze. He steps aside to let you pass, his hands still holding the door wide. Just as the two of you exit the room, you throw your arms up in the air and dance around. Yoongi scoffs, walking away from you without uttering another word. He doesn't even bother to thank their classmate, leaving the two figures to talk between themselves.

Min Yoongi // Took the FallWhere stories live. Discover now