Chapter Seventeen

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Jaxon had sent me to see Melanie while he went down into the dungeon to see what happened with the attack. When I got to the hospital section of the pack house, I went into Mel's room and saw Luka sitting next to her. When I walked in her stood, "Can you give us a minute?" I asked him. He nodded leaving the room, his eyes were red as if he'd been crying. Melanie was awake and she had definitely been crying. "Are you okay?" She asked automatically. "I'm fine, are you?" She wiped her eyes. "They said I should be fine by tomorrow. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Luke. Things are just crazy, I don't know what I'm supposed to do. He's my mate but things are so screwed up." She cried. I laid in bed beside her like we used to do when we were little. "Tell me about it." I knew her, she wouldn't be able to think straight unless she got it all off of her chest and we hated keeping things from each other, now I knew why she acted so weird when Luka got home. "We met at your party, and we never really acknowledged it until it was time for you guys to leave and I thought it was because his Alpha just found his mate but when you came to say goodbye, he told me that he didn't want me. Said he was in love with someone else, that he didn't need me. When Jaxon called I didn't want to come, I didn't want to have to face the mate who didn't want me but didn't have the guts to reject me. But he said you needed me so I came, and on the way I thought now was my chance to make him want me either that or kill the she wolf he was in love with. And now he just cried to me about how sorry he was, and that he didn't know what to do because he loved her and at the same time he wanted to be with me but he didn't know that he could." She cried. I felt so awful for her, while Luka was a friend she was my best friend and she shouldn't be going through this. Mates were special, how could he love someone who wasn't his? I could never imagine being with someone who wasn't mine. "He talked about her Abigail. You should have heard him, it was as if I meant nothing to me. Her name is Maranda she has her own mate, the Alpha of Crescent Moon Pack, she doesn't want him and yet he still wants her. What's so wrong with me? Why am I not good enough for him?" She cried still clutching to me. I held my best friend as she cried for the longest time and my heart broke for her. I was happy when she was finally able to fall asleep. I mindlinked Jaxon he and Luka were in his office discussing what to do next, Cody and Jonah were there as well. I walked into his office as if it were my own, the door hitting the wall with the force I opened it with. I wasn't someone to mess with right now. "Get out." I said to Luka, well more like growled. He looked as if someone had killed his best friend, but stayed in his spot despite what I'd said. Jaxon and Jonah gave me an odd look, "You want to stay to hear what I have to say?" I asked my wolf coming to surface, Melanie was our family and we wouldn't stand for how he treated her. "Abi what's going on?" Jaxon asked as I stood in front of Luka. I laughed harshly, "Your Beta is what's going on." Jaxon looked at him confused, I understood that Luka hadn't told them about Mel. And now that Jonah knew she was his sister it wasn't going to be pretty. "Does your Alpha know that you like to go screwing around with someone else's Luna?" I asked. Lukas face went red, "Don't you dare talk about her like that." He said angrily. "That is your Luna you're speaking to Beta." Jaxon spit out coming to stand behind me, arms crossed. "What is she talking about?" "Luna of the Crescent Moon Pack, he's in love with her." "Maranda? Luke I thought that was over years ago, she's with Greyson now." Jonah said now speaking up confused. Jaxon was older than them all, but Luke and Jonah were around the same age.  "It is over. She doesn't want me back." Luke ground out through clenched teeth. "Then what's the problem?" Cody asked obviously bored. "Luke you know better, when was the last time you spoke to her?" Jaxon asked. "Before I came home, sometime yesterday. Greyson banished me." Jaxon punched the wall, a hole going straight through it. "What the hell were you thinking? We need them as allies now more than ever." "I love her!" He screamed. "She's not yours to love!" Jaxon growled back, not only was it wrong to love someone else's mate but the fact that he was putting his happiness above the safety of the pack was just insane to them. While this pack was the toughest they were raised so wrong in the way of mates to think that falling for someone who isn't theirs to have was okay. "He hasn't even gotten to the best part." I said still pissed, "You want to tell them or should I?" I asked giving him the opportunity to act least have a little dignity to admit what he'd done wrong but he just stood in silence his face going emotionless. "Melanie is his mate and he refuses to accept her because he's in love with someone who he can't have." "What?" Jonah asked shocked from behind us all. "Yeah, you're best friend is your little sisters mate and he's treating her like shit." I spit out still discussed at the whole situation. "Jonah go to Melanie's room and do not leave until I say so." Jaxon said lowly, I knew he didn't want either of them doing something they'd regret. "But.." Jonah tried to protest as he tried to hold back his wolf. "Now Jonah." Jaxon commanded in his Alpha tone. He stormed off closing the open door loudly behind him.  Jaxon sat down in his chair bringing me with him and pulling me to his lap, his finger tips slipping beneath my shirt touching my skin trying to calm me. "Tell me what the hell happened." He said directed toward Luke. "It happened the night you two met...."

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