Chapter Forty

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Jaxon's P.O.V.

We had finally done it, We had found her. My heart was racing and all I wanted to do was race over to her but I knew that I had to watch myself and be prepared for whatever Melanie might try and do next. My wolf was howling at the sight of Abigail she was  barely holding herself together and it was clear that Melanie had hurt her badly she needed medical attention. I mindlinked  the doctor and told her to go ahead and get things together for when we would be back so that they could get to her as soon as possible. Taking a look around the room I saw that Jonah was holding Charlie and I assumed that was what Abigail meant when she said for us not to hurt him. Luka went straight to Melanie trying to get her under control so that I could be free to go and unchain my mate. As I started undoing the locks, quietly before Melanie started screaming I heard Abi say my name. I could barely hear her but it was there. "Its me princess, i've got you."  Once realizing that all the help Melanie had was down here I called our other men down so that we could get Charlie away from Jonah and get Melanie and the other man contained and brought back to the pack so that we could figure out just what the hell was going on. Honestly all I really wanted to do was kill them all. I almost lost my mate because of them there was absolutely no reason that I should be showing them any kind of mercy but I knew that if Abi was conscious she wouldn't want me to hurt them without hearing everyones side of the story and Melanie was her best friend at one point in time I didn't know how to go about her. As Luke tried to hold her back the other man swung on him. At his whits end I saw Luke growl at him a clear warning before he would take serious action. "Luke please don't, hes my mate." Jonah said from the corner. For a moment it seemed like everything stopped. It finally all made sense. The man was the one whom Melanie slept with, he was clearly willing to do anything in order to get her attention but Jonah was his mate so on top of Mellanie being his sister his mate needed him too. He was trying to get his mates approval by helping them. But it was clear that his mate didn't want him so I was confused as to why he would keep trying. While his mate didn't want him, he wanted his mate. "Do you honestly expect that to stop me?" Luke said, well it was more of a growl. Jonah looked panicked, "Then think about your own mate. Do you want Charlie to see you like this? To watch you kill someone before shes even a year old? Do you want her to be scared of you?" I had to admit it was a smart approach, while I knew that Luke was scared of having Charlie as his mate I knew that he would never want her to be afraid of him, he wanted this to work out even if it was going to take years.This seemed to make him settle down as he had someone come over and take Melanie away as well as the other man before he took Charlie from Jonahs arms. After all this time we had gotten our mates back.

Days Later

"Shouldn't she be awake by now?" I asked the doctor. It had been days since we had found Abi and Charlie and Abigail had yet to wake up yet. She lay in the bed hooked up to all sorts of machines that were keeping her stable until she could wake up again. Some were fluids, some were pain medicines all I knew is I wanted her off of them. "Alpha you have to remember that the Luna went through quite a bit before you were able to find her, she needs some time to heal mentally and physically." She said. I knew she was right but I wanted nothing more than for her to wake up and be able to hold her again. The doctor went on with her updates, "Her scars haven't seemed to heal any more so id say that this is how they will stay." My hands seemed to involuntarily trace one of the scars that crossed onto her stomach. I didn't mind them, I hated the thought of how they had gotten there but to me they didn't affect her beauty. I knew they would bother her, she was insecure especially when it came to her thinking that she wasn't good enough for me and I knew that this would just add to the list. Most of them were on her back, they had healed a small amount but they were still very noticeable. A few wrapped around onto her stomach but they weren't as noticeable as the others. "Theres nothing you can put on them to make them go away?' I asked simply for Abi's sake. I hated thinking about how devastated she was going to be. "There might be a few things we can try but I suggest waiting until the Luna wakes up so that we can speak about it with her." The doctor spoke. Although I disagreed I told her that we would wait. "I will say that she is responding well so it shouldn't be long until she does wake. When that does happen I suggest having her speak with someone about everything that happened, its not easy for someone to come back from something like that shes going to need lots of support and it may be difficult fror her to talk about it with you because you are her mate." You would think that would make it easier for her to talk to me but I understood where she was coiming from. It woud be hard for me to sit there and listen to her talk about all the things that they had done to her. Sighing I stood and bent to kiss her forehead. "I've got to go and check on things i'll be back later.' I said to both Abi and the doctor. I wanted nothing more than to spend all day with her but I was still Alpha and I still had things to do.

The basement was the last place I wanted to be today, but we still had yet to do anything with all of the traitors. Well if you could consider Jonahs mate a traitor. We'd learned his name was Chris and really all he had to say was he wasn't gay. Jonah seemed to stay quiet most of the time, he would ask how Abi was and that was about it. Melanie just fought us all, there was nearly no reasoning with her. We'd spoken to her parents and to Abi's as well they were all on their way here.Today my plan was to speak with Jonah to see what the full story was and to decide on his punishment. I warned Luke of my plans asking if he would want to be there with me but he said no. Ever since we had found the girls most of  his time was spent with Charlie. Having Cody unlock Jonahs cell I went inside. "How is she doing?" He asked, it was almost like clockwork. "Getting better, doctor said she should be waking up in a few days." I said sitting beside him, before all this had happened he was my friend and I wanted to keep that i mind even though my wolf wanted nothing but revenge. "Jonah you've got to tell me what happened." I said after the two of us had sat quietly for a few moments. He was quiet but I could see his struggle, "I'm sorry Jaxon. None of this was ever supposed to happen you have to believe me."

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