Chapter Forty-Three

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Abigail's P.O.V.

When Jaxon came back into the room my parents were with him, and I was so excited to see them. It had been months since I had been around them and while I was gone I was worried just like with Jaxon that I would never be able to see them again. My mother quickly rushed to the bed hugging me. "Oh Abigail I'm so happy you're alright. We tried to get here as quickly as we could. Things are crazy at home." She explained. I knew without her having to say that things were crazy because of Melanie. She was part of that pack too, and when something this crazy happened it was bound to cause problems in a pack. My eyes were watering up again, "It's okay Mom." I said hugging her back just as tight. "How are you feeling?" She asked letting go of me and sitting on the bed. Sitting up against the headboard I told her I was doing okay. "Hi sweetheart." My dad said coming to hug me as well. I took a second to hug him a little longer than my Mom, I was always so much closer to him. Unable to help myself a few tears fell. "I love you Daddy." It has been years since I had called him that but in that moment I felt like a little girl again. He held me still for a while longer, before letting me go and kissing the top of my head. "Jaxon and I are going to go talk for a while okay? Ill be back up later." Glancing at him standing in the doorway he came over to the bed, "Is that alright with you? You okay here?" Jaxon asked clearly making sure that I was going to be okay without him there. I nodded although I really didn't want him to leave me j knew that I would be safe with Luka and my Mom here. "Cody will be just outside the door and Luke is going to stay here with you. Just let me know if you need anything, ill have someone send up some lunch." "Okay." I replied shortly. He was quick to give me a kiss before heading out with my dad. I figured that they were going with Melanie's parents to figure something out to do with her. I leaned back against the headboard again waiting for my Mom to bombard me with questions like I knew she would. There were so many questions thrown at me that I really didn't want to answer. And so many that I just didn't have the answers to in order to give her. The disappointment was clear on her face when I told her I wasn't sure what would be happening to Mel.

"Mom I don't know okay? I really don't even want to think about it. My best friend tried to kill me doesn't that give me a free pass to all the questions?" I said exasperated. I loved my Mom I really did but sometimes she just took things too far. You would think that she would just be happy that I was okay and leave it at that but not my mother, never was she the quiet type. "I'm sorry honey. You're right I'll leave it alone. Tell me about you and Jaxon, things are going okay?" This was one thing I didn't care to talk about, I loved Jaxon and I loved that our relationship was so much better than things had started out as. But after everything that happened it made me realize something. I wanted a baby. Pups had always been something I saw for my future but after having such an awful experience i didn't want to never get to be a parent. I hadn't talked to Jaxon about it but I wanted to tell someone so I told my Mom. Well Luka too. "I haven't said anything to him yet but I think I want to start trying for pups." I told her fidgeting with my hands. There was no telling what her response would be so I was nervous. "Abigail that's wonderful!" She said excitedly. Glancing up at her I saw her face really did seem to be excited, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I didn't want her to think that I was too young for pups, while most wolves had them younger it didn't mean that they all did. My Mom was almost 22 when she had me I wasn't even 19. But a big family was always something that I had seen for myself and I wanted that with Jaxon. What better time to start then now? "You think?" I asked, trying to gauge her reaction a little more. My mother was a very opinionated person and I knew that she wouldn't lie to me but I was just nervous that she would think that I wasn't ready. She grabbed one of my hands squeezing it. "Of course. You've always been good with pups and I think that you will make a wonderful mother. If you want them now than that's totally up to you and Jaxon." She replied smiling at me. I couldn't help but to look to Luka to see what he thought. After I had asked him he was quiet for a few minutes and I was worried that he would tell me something crazy like that Jaxon didn't want pups or something. "I think that you and Jaxon would make wonderful parents. He grew up without siblings and I know he's always wanted a big family. Now that he has you I can't imagine why he wouldn't want that even more." Again I was relieved it made me a lot less nervous to eventually talk to Jaxon about what I had been thinking and I made a mental note to talk to him about it whenever the time seemed right. I wanted to embrace life and get to work on building our future together, the sooner the better.

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