Black: A Harry Potter Fan Fiction

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Chapter 1

You would think that being a wizard would be pretty wicked. Ha, pun intended. Anyways, you'd think it to be all fun and games, but it really isn't. In fact, for me, it's more of a curse. I'm being sent off to some wizard school called Hogwarts. I know that the boy who lives goes to school there, but I'm not to fond of him. In fact, I loathe him.

I'm more of a dark arts wizard. I accidentally killed my friends dog when he got me angry. I also killed a teacher once, but that wasn't really much of an accident. All I did was make that bus driver fall asleep and make him hit my teacher. That's what you get when you give me an F. No one knew it was me, however. They all thought it was that bus driver's fault. He ended up going to jail for murder and unsafe driving.

My uncle led me through Diagon Ally to get my school supplies and such. I got an owl as a pet. I also got a really cool looking wand. It was made of pixie wings, a dragons tooth, and phoenix down. When we finished shopping, he led me to the train station where other students were waiting.

"Now nephew," He said sternly. My uncle is a very strict and scary man. He has white hair that falls around his face to his shoulders and emerald eyes that glare into your soul. His face was always in a frown and wrinkly. He always wore a black robe with green lining. "Remember not to kill anyone. Or anything. Just, be careful alright?" I rolled my eyes and stomped over to platform 9 3/4. I ran through the pillar with my belongings. My eyes widened with amazement.

There were hundreds of students in the plaza. Woods and clear open skies surrounded us. Creatures I've never seen before soared above and marched through the woods. A train was sitting on the tracks loading wizards. I stepped on, looking for an empty compartment to sit at. I found one on the third car. I put my things away and sat down by the window, gazing at the meadow.

The door to the compartment opened and I looked up to see who opened it. A boy about my age with slicked back platinum blond hair and black and green robes stared at me. He had a snake in a cage and several suitcases. His light blue eyes stared at me with awe and annoyance. "What are you doing in here?" He spat. I frowned. "Obviously waiting to leave the plaza. What are you doing in here?" The boy sneered and began to put his things away. "Obviously doing the same as you." When he finished, he sat down across from me, looking at me up and down. "What's your name?"

"Lysander Black. And you are...?"

"Draco Malfoy." I nodded and looked back out of the window. "Are you a pure-blood?" Draco asked. I looked at him confused. "Excuse me?" He sneered again. "Is your family half muggle or full blooded wizards?" I shrugged. "Pure blood I think. I live with my muggle of an uncle so I have no clue. My mother died when I was young in a car accident and my father disappeared." The boy nodded and I went back to looking out the window. The train jolted foreword and began to move at a slow pace, gradually getting faster.

"What's Hogwarts like?" I looked at Draco who was stuffing his face with candy. I chuckled as he shoved the food away in the seat next to him and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "It's really big and old. If you go into Slytherin, you'll have all the cool dark arts teachers. Griffendor and the rest of them get all the lame ones." I laughed. "Sounds like fun. Can't wait."

"There are a lot of hot girls there too." This made me raise an eyebrow. I leaned foreword and Draco did the same. "Like who?" A smile played on Draco's face. "There's this girl named Vanessa who's like a goddess or something. Oh, so is..." The list of chicks went on and on. Draco described what they look like, how they smell, how smart they are. I made a mental list and told myself to keep an eye out for them all.

A sudden knock on the door shut us up. "Come in." The door opened and a little old lady with a cart came in. "Sweets?" I felt drool begin to come on. I nodded and pulled out some cash. Draco stopped me with a wave of his hand. "I'll pay for it." I raised an eyebrow. "But-"

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