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Chapter 5

Son? Oh shit. Oh bloody hell! The man pulled me into an empty classroom. He walked towards the window, allowing moonlight to hit his face. I gasped.

The man has piercing green eyes like mine and a masculine face. He has many wrinkles and dirt all over it. His hair is greasy and tangled and just disgusting. He also reeks of...god knows what. He black and white jumpsuit bares numbers in the upper right corner. He smiled at me. I'm surprised his teeth aren't rotten. They're actually pretty well kept.

The man pulled me into a hug. I didn't hug him back. In fact, I didn't dare touch him.  He pulled away, but kept his hands on my shoulders. "You're the Prisoner of Azkaban...Aren't you?" I asked bitterly. The man chuckled and nodded. "I don't even know why I was in there. I didn't do anything wrong. I swear, I didn't! I was framed!" I didn't believe him. I stayed silent. The man sighed and looked me up and down. "You look like your mother..." For a second, I thought I saw a tear at the corner of his eye. Probably just the lighting.

"Why are you here?"

"Too see you of course! I got tired of waiting. A lifetime in prison is a long time to wait." My father chuckled as if what he just said was a really funny joke. I didn't even smile. "People say you helped Voldemort murder the Potters." He shook his head. "I told you, I was framed. Let me tell you a little story..." He ordered to sit at a desk and he sat on top of the table.

"When I was a student at Hogwarts, my family expected me to be sorted into Slytherin because of my pure blood. Instead, I was sorted into Griffendor. There, I formed great friendships with James Potter, Remus Lupin-"

"Professor Lupin?!" I shrieked. Sirius cocked his head to the side, egging me on. "Remus Lupin is a professor here. He teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts." The man nodded and continued, "Anyways, I formed friendships with Potter, Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew. James married Lily and I became Harry's godfather. The four of us joined the Order of the Phoenix, a group that fights against Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Soon after, however, Pettigrew betrayed us, and joined Voldemort. I wanted revenge for his wrong doing. However, he framed me for the betrayal of the Potters, killing 12 muggles, and for apparently murdering Pettigrew.

"I know he's still alive, however. God only knows where he is. Maybe if I ask Lupin, he'll know where he is..." My father trailed off. I stared at the man's eyes, looking for anything but truth. To my disappointment, I couldn't find anything. This man, my father, is telling the truth. I don't want to admit it, but I believe his story.

" got sent to prison because of that man? That was your friend? Bloody hell! He took you away from me! I was left alone! I had to stay with my uncle, your brother! I was beaten, I was shouted at, I was mistreated! And it's that man's fault! I'M GOING TO BLOODY KILL HIM!" I screamed. My hands were in fists at my side and my face was beet red. I was shaking with anger. My father placed a gently hand on my shoulder to try and calm me. But it didn't help.

"Lysander, calm down." I shook my head. "I need to find him. I need-"

"To calm down. Let Remus and I handle this. This is none of your concern." How can he be so calm about this? "He took you away from me..." I whispered. I felt tears prick my eyelashes as they fell down my face. My father took me in his arms and rubbed my back. "My brother hurt you while you stayed with him?" He said after a few moments of silence. I nodded into his chest. "He got drunk a lot....He'd get mad during that period of time and start pounding on me...He threw a lamp at me once..." I pulled away from my father and took of my cloak. Then, I lifted up the back of my shirts. Large white scars shone against my pale skin. I pulled my shirt down and put my cloak back on. My father's expression was unreadable.

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