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Chapter 7

It's been a week since I woke up in the medical wing. I've been allowed to walk around nearby corridors when the other students are in classes. It feels good to be able to get some fresh air after being stuck in the same spot for two weeks. The nurse said I should be able to go back to classes after my ankle heals, which it should any day now.

I found myself wondering past the point I was supposed to turn around and walk back to the medical wing. I smirked. I'll just go a little farther today. I walked past a statue of a unicorn type thing, which was supposed to be my marker. I walked down to bathrooms a few yards away. No one noticed. I grinned and walked down to the courtyard. I sniffed the air, which smelt of fresh cut grass. I started to walk back to the medical wing. Just as I made it to the statue, the bell that signals the end of class rang. My face paled. If I get got up in the traffic I'll be trampled!

I moved as quickly as I could down to the wing. My ankle throbbed as I put pressure on it, but I didn't care. Students gave me weird looks as I half ran, half walked down the hall. When I made it back to the wing, the nurse gave me a skeptical look. "What took you so long getting back Lysander?"

"I uh...needed to use the restroom." She nodded and motioned me to sit down on the edge of my bed. The blond poured the usual amount of bone medicine and made me swallow it, no matter how much I protested. She then wrapped me in fresh bandages and told me to rest. Sighing, I swung my body onto the bed into a laying position.

Being here all by yourself gets quite lonesome after a while. Even though I could talk to the nurses, they always get off topic and dramatic. I detest drama.

But, it is an opportunity for deep thinking.

Why does Draco keep visiting while I'm asleep? I'd be lying if I said I don't miss him. The nurse had said he'd been doing my homework for me, but why? I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself. I guess I shouldn't complain. I mean, it was totally out of character what he did. Scratch that, what he's been doing.

First: He kissed me.

Second: He got help for me when I needed it the most.

Third: He visits me whenever he can.

Fourth: He does my homework.

Something's wrong with this picture.

Draco Malfoy is supposed to be the school's bad boy. The kid that is untouchable, and rotten to the core. The guy every girl dreams of kissing. The student that never does his work and only cares about himself. The wizard that wants to kill Harry Potter more than Voldemort does.

What the hell happened?

A door opening dragged me away from my thoughts. I looked over and saw the familiar platinum hair, those blue/ grey eyes, the slender yet muscular body.

"You're awake." Malfoy said with a smile as he sat down beside me. I smiled back at him, my heart starting to beat faster in his presence. "Well, duh." Draco chuckled and held my gaze. "I keep coming when your asleep. Then I hear Potter talking to the gingers about their conversations with you and it hurts. I'm upset that I wasn't there when you first awoke." A light blush crept it's way onto my cheeks. "Oh, uh..."

"At least I get to see you at all. Snape thought it was all my fault and almost forbid me not to see you, but Dumbledore told him that wouldn't be necessary." I let out a small sigh of relief. Dumbledore may be old, a bit hard on the eyes, not to mention his odor, but in the end, he's a pretty awesome dude.

"You did my homework for me." I said. "Why?"

"Well, I didn't want you getting behind and having a bunch of work to make up..." He rubbed the back of his head with his hair, messing up his hair. It was already pretty messy. It looks as if he's been tossing and turning in his sleep. I chuckled and said, "Thanks. It's actually relieving not having to worry about my work."

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