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Chapter 2

"Oh god Harry! Why isn't he waking up?"

"How the heck am I supposed to know?"

"How'd he get onto the floor?"

"Ron, go get Hagrid."


"Now Ron!" Someone sighed and feet shuffled out of the room. "God Harry! Oh god, oh god, oh god!"

"Hermione, calm down-"

"How am I supposed to calm down?! Lysander's unconscious on the floor and no one knows why!"


"What Harry?"

"He's starting to move."

I groaned and tried to move my foot a little. Pain soared through my veins. I moaned and stopped trying to move. I felt someone put a hand on my cheek. "Lysander?" It was a gentle, soothing voice. I tried to open my eyes, but it was as if they were glued shut. I sighed and just stopped trying. I felt something wet fall onto my cheek. "Hermione, why are you crying?"

Hermione....Hermione? I racked my name and tried to put a face with the name. When I came up short I frowned to myself internally. Any who, the girl's crying, but why? Is it because I'm supposedly unconscious? Why should she care?

"Harry, Hemione, how is he?" A deep, husky voice asked. "He's breathing, but he's still unconscious. He moved his foot a minute ago but that's about it." I heard heavy footsteps come close to me. Someone's breath was warm against my ear, but it smelt of fish and some other disgusting item. "Lysander, if you can hear me, move your foot." I tried to wiggle my foot, and ended up groaning in pain.

"Good. Now, can you open your eyes?" I wiggled my foot, hoping they would take it as a no. "He can't wake up. We need Professor Lupin. Ron, go fetch him please."

"Why do I have to-"

"Ron." A voice sighed and again, there was a shuffling of feet. A few agonizing minutes later, there was more shuffling of feet and a new voice. "Hagrid? What's the matter?" There was silence after that. Suddenly someone had their hand on my forehead. It retreated as fast as it got there. "He's burning up. Harry, go to the kitchen car and ask for some ice wrapped in a cloth. Hurry." I felt someone undoing my shirt and ripping it off of me. I heard someone's breath catch in their throat. Must be that girl. Ha! She must be looking at my chest. I laughed to myself internally.

Harry must have come back because I felt something cool against my forehead. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Hermione, grab me some bandages would you? The boy's got a nasty cut on his head." Oh great. I wonder how bad that is. "Yes sir." My body was beginning to cool down. Sweat wasn't dripping down my face anymore. When I tried to move my fingers, I was successful. It still hurt though. I felt something being wrapped around my head. Must be that bandage.

"What's his name?" The new voice asked. "His name is-"

"Lysander." I croaked. I heard them all gasp. My eyes opened slowly revealing a man's face peering down at me. I was in a compartment on the train. The walls were wood. The seat were plush and red. A wood table sat underneath the window. I tried to sit up, but groaned. My head was throbbing. A man with chestnut colored hair and hazel eyes was standing over me. He had small scars all over his face.  A ginger haired girl threw herself at me when I finally managed to sit up. "Ow..." I grimaced. She looked at me apologetically.

Hermione. I remember her now. I looked around the room at the other people. Harry, Ron, and Hagrid. Why couldn't I remember their names before?

My attention turned to Professor Lupin, who had cleared his throat. "Lysander. My name is Professor Lupin. May I ask you a few questions?" He looked at the others. "Alone." They all sighed and nodded, making their way out of the room. Professor Lupin sat down beside me on the floor.

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