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Chapter 4

"Lysander!" I jolted awake, knocking my knees on my table. "AH!" I looked around and saw Malfoy laughing hysterically in the corner of the classroom. I glared at him, gathered my books, and stood. I followed him out of the room and out into the hall.

"Hey Ly- Oh." The voice behind me sounded...disappointed. I smirked and turned to face the person, My smirk instantly dropped. Harry, Ron, and Hermoine were walking towards me with smiles on their faces. Their smiles dropped too when the saw Malfoy. "What do you want Potter." Malfoy spat. "We want to know if Lysander wants to come with us to see Hagrid." Harry stated. "He wants nothing to do with you mutts!"

"You can't speak for someone else Draco!"

"Oh I'm pretty sure I-"

"Enough!" The Griffendors and Malfoy turned to look at me, wide eyed. They looked like children who were getting yelled at by their parents. I was shocked myself. I never interfere with..well anything. "You're both acting like foolish children! Why can't you both just accept your differences and get a life?" Harry and Malfoy stared at me, utterly shocked. Hermoine and Ron's jaws touched the floor. I glared at the rivals, turned on my heel, and walked away. No one followed me either.

I have no idea where I'm going. Not that I really want to know, but it'd be nice. I stopped for a minute when I stepped on a newspaper. I frowned, bent over, and picked it up, feeling the paper in my hands. The top line said


The man in the picture looked insane! Like literally, insane. His shaggy black hair feel over his shoulders and was knotted and messy and sticking out in odd places. His piercing green eyes shouted all different things at me. The weird thing was...the man looked like me.

I rolled the newspaper up and put it in my back pocket. I then ran outside past the gates to the cottage with the pumpkin patch. I swung the door open and stumbled inside. Harry and Hagrid had been in the middle of a conversation, and Hermoine and Ron were sitting beside them, listening. I pulled out the newspaper and laid it flat against the wood table so all could see. Hagrid's eyes went wide with fear. "Explain this!" I demanded. He looked at me, the newspaper, and back at me. His chubby fingers began shaking. "That's Sirius Black! He's trouble...He assisted he-who-shall-not-be-named in murdering...." He glanced over at Harry. "Uh...certain people. And now he's after those people's child," Again, he glanced at Harry, " And his own child..." It took a while for everything to process in my mind. He murdered Harry's parents and now he's after Harry and his own kid? Hmph.

"So that means...." Hermoine cut in.

"He's coming to Hogwarts." I finished. We all looked at each other and immediately knew what to do. We flew out the door and sprinted to the gate. We then made our way to Headmaster Dumbledore's office, bumping into many people along the way. One of them being, of course, Draco Malfoy.

"Hey watch-" He stopped when he saw me. Then his eyes flickered between me and my group. He shook his head. "Why are you with them Black?" I rolled my eyes. "I'll tell you later." As I began to run again, Malfoy grabbed my arm. "Tell me. Now!" His face went all red again. I tried to keep myself from exploding with anger as well. "A prisoner escaped from Azkaban and we need to tell Dumbledore. The prisoner's coming to Hogwarts to attack Harry, and his own child. We don't know who his kid is, but it's better to keep him safe than have him get killed by his own father." With that, I left my friend where he was and ran to catch up with the group. I didn't even look back.

When we finally got to Dumbledore's office, Hagrid spoke the password and we climbed up the staircase. I didn't have enough time to take in my surroundings, since my prime focus is the man sitting behind the mahogany desk feeding a Phoenix. "Hagrid! Harry, Ron, Hermoine, Lysander! What can I do for-" I didn't wait for him to finish. I slammed the newspaper down on his desk, giving him a very serious look. He looked from me, to the newspaper, and back to me. He gasped and opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't give him a chance, "He's after Harry and his own child that attends Hogwarts. We don't have much time before he comes. We need to protect the individuals at all costs." I took my hand off the paper and leaned back. The old man picked the paper up with shaky hands and looked it over behind his spectacles. When he was done, Dumbledore laid the paper back down on his desk, folded his hands on top of it, and looked at us with a very serious look.

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