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Chapter 6

I took a deep breath before entering the headmaster's office for the third time within the past 24 hours. He was sitting behind his desk, looking over some documents. He looked up and waved me in. I took a seat in the plush chair in front of his desk. Dumbledore set the papers down and folded his hands on top of them.

"You are Sirius' son Lysander." I didn't say anything. It wasn't like I didn't already know this. I had found out yesterday. Still, the information still left me speechless. When I didn't say anything he leaned back in his chair and stroked his long beard. "Professor Lupin knew this and when he found out his old friend would be paying a visit to Hogwarts, he told me immediately. Your father and Lupin had been close friends throughout their schooling here at Hogwarts many moons ago. They continued to be friends up until Sirius was arrested and taken to Azkaban. Professor Lupin took care of you until your Uncle, Sirius' brother, took you in." I let the information soak in. Lupin had taken care of me? For how long?

"So...I'm that monster's son?" I asked. I didn't think of my father as a monster, not anymore at least. After our convosation yesterday, I believed he was totally innocent. The headmaster nodded. "You and Harry will not be allowed anywhere without a teacher with you. Understand?" I frowned. What if I wanted to hangout with Draco...alone....I shivered at the memory of last night. His lips tasted of cherry tastey....I mentally slapped myself. Lysander, you can not be having these thoughts! Especially when talking about something so serious with Dumbledore!

"Yes sir."

"Good. I believe that's all I needed to tell you. You may go now." I nodded, stood, and walked out of the sanctuary. That didn't take as long as I had suspected. Which means I have some extra time on my hands.

I made a right to go down the hall towards the courtyard. Halfway down I heard wailing. I looked around and, sure enough, a first-year Griffendor was sprawled out on the ground with an angry Malfoy and other Slytherins huddled around him. I heard Draco say, "No mudbloods deserve to attend Hogwarts!" He brought his fist up to punch the boy. I immediately flung myself over the kid and took a hard punch to the back. I yelped but stayed where I was. I heard the group behind me gasp. A hand gripped the back of my collar of my shirt and hoisted me up onto my feet. I turned around and a fist met my cheek. I stumbled backwards and fell down next to the boy.

"Run." I groaned to him. When he didn't move, I yelled, "Run damn it!" He quickly got up and ran away, down the hall and into the courtyard. People kicked and punched as I lay helpless on the cold marble. When it stopped and flipped myself onto my back and glared at them. Draco was nowhere to be found. Crabbe, Goyle, Victoria, Rhonda, and some other kids I don't really know, were staring me down.

"Why'd the hell did you save a Griffendor Black?" Crabbe spat. I tried to get up on my feet, but I was too weak. So I decided to just lay there. "Because everyone should be treated as an equal." I said proudly. The group laughed and Goyle kicked me again in the stomach. Hard. I groaned and held the spot where he kicked me with my hands.

"Most of those blasted Griffendors are mudbloods. They don't deserve to be treated as equals!" Rhonda shouted. This time, Crabbe punched me in the back where Malfoy had punched me. I screamed in pain. "Maybe he's saying this shit because he's a mudblood too!" Victoria exclaimed. They all started beating  on me again. Kicking and punching and pulling.

"Stop this! NOW!" The group froze and turned to see Dumbledore, Malfoy, and the Griffendor boy striding over to us. The old man said something to Malfoy who nodded and ran past us and down the hall. The headmaster crouched down beside me. "Lysander, are you alright." I didn't respond. I couldn't respond. My mouth was full of blood and I can barely breathe! Yes Headmaster I am perfectly fine even though I got beaten to a pulp. I thought to myself. "Draco is getting Snape and the nurse. He should be back shortly." I tried to nod but that only made my neck hurt even more.

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