Getting to Know More

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Midoriya's POV:

I was lying down on my bed, keyword was until I sat up in bed, thinking about a certain (H/C) haired boy. So many questions rushing down my brain, like how did he became a guardian or how strong or rough his training went in becoming one.

I sighed and groan until my mom went in my room to check me up. "Everything all right here?" She asked as I looked at her and nodded. "Yeah mom, its just..." I stopped as I sighed and continued. "Its just that, I met someone at U.A. today." I simply said as she walked up and sat beside me on my bed. "Well, do you have something to ask to the person?" she asked as I nod and well, about the asking thing, I have a lot of question to ask him. "Well, why don't you invite him over?" she suggested as I shake my head with a no. But, in my mind, I really wanted to ask him so bad. My mom left me with a kiss on the cheek and I thought about my situation.

I try to sleep on it, but to no avail, I just sat up and rubbed the temples of my head. Suddenly, a knock on my window was heard, as curiosity starts to take over me, I walked up to my bedroom window to look outside just to be greeted by.

"Yo!" (L/N) said as I got surprised and jumped, falling backwards. "Don't scare me like that (L/N)-kun!" I yelled as mom rushed to my room and opened it. "What happened here?" she asked with a worried tone and saw the (H/C)nette jumped inside my room. "I'm sorry about that commotion Ms.Midoriya." he said as mom sighed with relief and pulled me over to her.

"Is that the person you've met in U.A. earlier?" she asked as I nodded and she smiled. "Alrighty, I'll just leave you two alone then." she said as he left the two of us in my bed. (Y/N) smiled and walked up to me. "Um... What are you doing here to be exact (L/N)-kun?" I asked as he let out a small chuckle. "Well, I'm here to answer your questions. I know you have tons to ask." he said as I looked at him quite surprised. "But... How did you know?" I asked again and sighed. "Its written on your face Midoriya." he simply said. Well, that is very true, but I can't believe he already knew about it, but this may be my only chance to ask him.

He sat on the floor and looked at me. "So, lets get started shall we?" he said with a smile on his face. I nodded and begin to take notes about the guardian in front of me. "R-Right, so, how did you became a guardian (L/N)-kun?" I asked as he looked at me. "Simple, my parents told me that they saw my potential at a very young age. After a tragic mission, my parents died on it, leaving me in the care of the elder." He said as I look at him with sympathy after hearing what happened to his parents. "I-I'm so sorry to hear about your parents." I said as he smiled a little. "Its fine Midoriya. Please continue." he said as I nodded and proceeded to ask the next one.

"Who is Uscias and the Ogma guy that he's been talking about?" I asked as he sighed and looked away. "The two of them are guardians, powerful ones to be exact. Both of them taught me about my magics and how to control them, but on that tragic day, Ogma and Uscias went completely berserk, seeking more power to destroy the elder. So, they banished the both of them and apparently made their way here." he said as I nodded in understanding.

"If they taught you how to use your magic just like Uscias, then who taught you to make your weapons appear out of nowhere?" I asked as he chuckled. "Well, their is a guy who taught me he is a great teacher and a great friend. His name was Alt, he is a skilled swordsman and a skilled warrior. He taught me how to handle weapons other than swords and how to make them appear." he said as he smiled a little, looking outside the window. Probably thinking about this Alt guy.

A couple of questions later, seemingly he answered all of them which made me in a satisfied manner, until I asked the last question.

"Is your training really that hard to do?" I asked as he went silent, thinking if he should go on. "Are you sure you wanna know my training?" he asked as I nodded eagerly to know how did he became so strong. "Well, its not that easy, and I wouldn't call it hard." he said as I look at him. "Then what do you call it?" I asked as I lean forward to hear it. "I call it hell!" he said as I looked at him with wide eyes seeing me surprised by it.

"Hell?!" I exclaimed as he nodded and sighed. "B-But how?" I asked once more and he pat my head. "It would take you years before you get strong with that training." he said as I listen to him. "The training consists of, lifting heavy stuff, dragging a huge boulder on your back and taking it to the top of a mountain, then leaving you in the wilderness for a day without food until you survive the night. That's the training routine I went through, and look at me now." he said as I thought to myself. 'I will never do anything like those.' I looked at the clock and sees its almost midnight, I yawned and (Y/N) stood up.

"I'll be taking my leave, I'll see you at U.A. tomorrow okay." he said as he walks to the window. "Wait!" I yelled and he looked at me. "Yes?" he said as I sighed. "How did you get into U.A. on the first day?" I asked for the last time as he opened the window getting ready to jump. "Its simple really. I just beat All Might." and with that he jumped out of the window, leaving me sitting on top of my bed in a shocked state.

"He beat All Might?!"

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