Conquering the Demon (Part II)

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As the two of them stare down waiting for the first one to make a move, the others back at U.A. are still fighting for their lives.

Midoriya's POV:

I saw Aiko made a portal and pushes it towards the both of them clenching my fist as I fight more demons, making my left arm slowly turning numb as I punch them to a pulp.

"(Y/N), be careful." I said to myself as we continue to fend of the on going attack of the demons.

(Y/N)'s POV:

As the two of us looked at each other, I tighten my grip on the hammers and started to charge at him, jumping up in the air as I swing down the hammers which he dodged it for a bit. He smirked as he made a complete copy of himself appear out of thin air.

His copy started to attack me as we battle it out, swinging our weapons around, eventually hitting it until, I got hit from behind as I fall down from the ground, looking up as an exact hammer was raised up and gets ready to fall down at me. I saw an exact replica of me as he swings down the hammer but I dodge it completely.

"You know, I'm starting to like you (Y/N)." the demon said as he chuckled and I stood up, attacking the clones of the demon and myself. I blocked myself with my hammer as their weapons made contact with mine, shoving them away from a few meters as I started to attack back. Slamming my hammers down to the ground as I made a small earthquake happened, slightly opening a crack under them making the two copies fall down on the crack.

"Looks like you have some tricks up your sleeves (Y/N)." the demon said as I look at him. "Enough tricks, you and me, right now!" I said as he lets out a dark laugh as he glares straight in to my (E/C) orbs meeting his azure eyes. "You want me?" he asked as his blades appeared next to his hands. "Then come and get me!" he said as both of us started to charge.

Bakugo's POV:

As the fight continues on, I saw planthead countering the portal that the damned demon put at the area, I grit my teeth as I explode more demons coming in my way. "Damn that shithead, next time I see him, I'll fucking bury him alive!" I said as I continue to fight.

"DIE YOU DIPSHITS!" I yelled as I hit more demons, looking around me as I got surrounded by them, at this rate, if I continue fighting them, I won't be able to use my quirk anymore feeling a slight of numbness coming from my hand. I tched and stood still while  looking at them. "COME AND GET ME YOU UGLY BASTARDS!" I yelled as the demons started to come at me, not until.

"SMASH!" I heard the nerd said as he smashes half of the demons surrounding me, he looked at me for a good while. "Kacchan behind you!" he yelled as I look around, before I can react on what's happening, a large iceberg sprouted under the other half of the demons as I see half-and-half bastard. "I don't need your damn help!" I said as ice bastard sighed and Deku just chuckled, feeling my hands numbness went away, I crack my knuckles and the three of us started to fight the demons again.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I charged at him and his clone, swinging my hammers at him as he blocked it perfectly without any problems as he slashes down his blade at me, I guarded the first one, but I got hit on the chest at the second strike. I yelled in pain as I fell down on the ground, looking at him as I dodge his clone's attack.

"I gotta admit, you are not one of the other guardians who came up at me and charged me head on." he said as I stand up slowly, griping the hammers tightly as I put a small amount of power thanks to the stone.

Small electric like current surges to the relic as I charged at him with a great amount of speed almost making me vanish in a blink of an eye, the demon was surprised as he looks around, trying to spot me with his own sight. I found an opening behind him as I hit him on his back with the hammer, causing him to yell in pain and turned around.

"Show yourself coward!" he yelled as he feels another hit on his head, smashing him down as I faced the hammer on the opposite side, revealing the blade on it, he looked up and barely dodges it before it hit him. I panted for a while as well as the demon, his face showed exhaustion from the fight, seeing his face with a small injury on them. I on the other hand was the same, tired, my chest stabbed, and full of injuries.

"Had enough?" he said as I look at him directly onto his eyes. "As long as you're standing, it won't be enough to take me down!" I said as he chuckled a little bit, I looked confuse at the moment as I felt the familiar pain I felt.

I got stabbed once again as his copy is holding the blade tight as the real one limped over to me. "Such a shame that I expect more from you (Y/N), but." he paused as he placed his hand on my head, feeling an extreme pain surging through my body. A couple of moments later, he retracted his hands back and the clone vanishes. "This is where you will die!" he said as he raised his blade up and looked at him.

'Is this really the end for me? All those hard work I did to get to this spot is going to waste.' I thought as I close my eyes waiting for it to end, suddenly the thought of my master, Aiko, and everyone that I met back at U.A. came to a full view.

I opened my eyes and I started to glow a bright (F/C), sending the demon away before his blade hits me. "What the hell!" he exclaimed as the glowing stops, revealing me with a scythe in my hand and the figure of the grim reaper behind me. "For the people I care and trusted in me." I said as my stab wounds were completely healed and the stone started to glow, making my (E/C) orbs turn into red, glaring towards the demon who had fear in his eyes.

"I will end you!"

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