The Fall of a Guardian (Part III)

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As the two entities looked at each other, the tension within the area grew thick as their first and last encounter will begin.

Demon's POV:

As I stand across the false guardian that had struck me with his deal and his reanimated lackeys, a vessel in exchange for power, I wouldn't expect to come into this term of events. Here I am, fighting alongside with this child as I get ready to attack head on.

"Let's not keep the audience waiting. Let's see how you can keep up with them." the guardian said as the reanimated corpses started to charge, keeping my guard up if anything ever happens as I look at my attackers.

His master started to attack me, dodging his attacks as it was the same back then in the Sanctuary were I attacked, I throw my own punch towards him, making a direct contact as he staggered back, the other male, presumably Y/N's father started to use his sword to attack me.

I lifted my hand a little bit as one of my blade blocked the attack, pushing him back as the second blade appeared, blocking another attack from behind. The woman, in which, Y/N's mother let out an attempt to attack me from behind, breaking away shortly to distance herself.

"A handicap, you sure do like your hands getting dirty." I said as I raise my blades up, making sure that the weapons I hold has a little distance as they hover beside my hands, matching with every movement I make. "Come, let's settle this now. I'll make sure your blood will be spilled." I said as the three figures started to attack.

His master throws in a punch as I kick it away, blocking it as I swing my blade to his father, blocking the other attacker with my other blade as I didn't hesitate to stab her, making a direct contact as she backed away a little bit.

"What? Is that the best you've got? You don't mean anything to me. You are just a stepping stone for me!" I stated as I readied my blades, getting ready to do a counterattack as I look at them.

I quickly turned my attention to his wife, swinging my blades towards her as she defend herself with her quirk. Plant Manipulation was her specialty, that's why I had to kill her first. Her plants were no match for my razor sharp blades and my flames as she dodges every strike I throw at her.

His sorry excuse for a husband tried to help her, but my illusions kept them busy. At this point, it was an even match, but my illusions won't last long. If I'm going to finish this, I'm going to go all out.

I looked at her straight in her eyes at her, slowly a figure started to appear as another copy of her came to life. "I'll make you kill your own self." I stated as her illusion started to attack. The two of them went into an all out brawl as I dashed behind her, stabbing her through her heart as the illusion fades away. "May you find peace." I whispered even though it was out of character for me.

As her body starts to fade away, I looked at her directly in her eyes, as if she was saying "Thank you." as her figure faded away. "Time to wrap this up." I said as I went over to the other two, wanting to end their suffering as I dash over to them. As I got near, my illusions wore off as I slash them with one fell swoop as the both of them fell to their knees.

I looked at them as their body was fading away, walking towards Ogma as I got ready for the fight. "Guess the real fight starts now." he said as he quickly charge towards me, using his claws, he slashes it down towards me, making me block the hit but his other hand got through as I barely blocked it, hitting me across my cheek as a small streak of blood came out.

"All that for a drop of blood." I said as I kick him away, gaining a small space as I attack head-on, swinging my crescent-like blade towards him at a high pace, making him back away, nearly blocking every strike I swing.

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