The Demon Appears

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The whole class was shocked at what the (H/C)nette did to All Might, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Bakugou. They looked at the guardian with disgust as he smirks at them with blood on his face.

Midoriya's POV:

'Who is this person right in front of us? Is he the same old (Y/N) that we know?' this was the only thing that comes into my mind right now, the guardian that I used to grow a liking and admire would turn into a bloodlust maniac.

I didn't look away from him as I felt tension in the air, the others were very terrified at what he had said. "Who's next?" he said in a sadistic voice that sent chills down to our spine. "W-What has gotten into him?" Ashido said as he looks at the bodies of our classmates and sensei.

At this point Sero couldn't take it anymore as he went to the training area as to help the rest of them. "Sero wait!" Tokoyami said as he follows him to the training area. 'Please be careful.' I said softly as they reached (Y/N).

"I see, two more victims that will die in my hands." he said darkly as the stone in his necklace starts to glow, he started to grow horns slowly as a tape started to wrap him up. "I thought of you was cool at first, but you suddenly changed." Sero said as Tokoyami launched Dark Shadow to attack him.

"Foolish humans, when will they ever learn." he said as (F/C) flames starts to engulf his body making the tapes smoked a little bit and shortly caught on fire. (Y/N) burned it away as Dark Shadow gets closer to him, landing its claw on his body. "Gotcha!" he said as (Y/N) grinned acted like nothing happened.

The stone glowed once again as his hands starts to show light blue veins

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The stone glowed once again as his hands starts to show light blue veins. "Give me the weapon I seek to destroy this world!" he yelled as he spreads his arms slowly but surely a figure of two blades starts to form, it glowed a bright (F/C) on the edges as he holds it.

Dark Shadow proceeded on attacking him again, but with a slash from the blade Dark Shadow quickly retracted back to Tokoyami. He cracked his neck a bit as he slowly made his way to them. Sero glared as he shoots some of his tape again just to get cut by the guardian.

"How pathetic you both are." he said as he dashed right through them, leaving some wounds as he slashes them. The both of them fell down on the ground as blood fall down from his blade. "Finally it is finished!" he yelled as the stone shine brighter.

(Y/N)'s body started to glow bright with (F/C) aura engulfing him with it

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(Y/N)'s body started to glow bright with (F/C) aura engulfing him with it. He started to grow wings, his hands started to get sharper as it resembles as a claw, his blade started to float among his hands, and his body started to grow big. The bright light stops and we saw (Y/N) in full demon form.

"Ah, its good to be back." he said as I got confuse about it not until Todoroki came rushing to the training ground. "Todoroki-san!" I yelled as I followed him.

Todoroki's POV:

I rushed to the training area as soon as I saw (Y/N) transformed somehow, he isn't like this before, in fact, he isn't like this at all. I reached the training area as I look at him.

"Ah, another victim for the Demon Marauder." he said, his voice has gone deep it seems. "You're not like this (Y/N)!" I yelled as he chuckled evilly. "The (Y/N) you know is gone, I am a new being." he said as I snapped and used my ice quirk to make a pillar which he just sliced it down.

"Pathetic whelp." he said as he started to charge at me while I try to defend myself by shooting ice shards towards him. He didn't waste anytime deflecting it as he tries to slice me which luckily caught my clothes a bit as I dodge.

"Heh, that's nice, but how do you like it when you fight yourself." he said as he looked at my eyes making a direct contact as I closed it for a bit. "Shoto." I heard someone said as I opened my eyes and saw a splitting image of me.

"What is this!?" I said as the other me grinned and attacked me, but instead of an ice quirk, he uses my father's quirk which is fire. I dodge everything he throws at me and counters it, only to get traded by hits. "That's it, fight, fight like your life depends on it!" (Y/N) yelled as he watches us fight, until.

"SMASH!" I heard Midoriya said as he punched the other me away, making it disappear from existence. "Midoriya." I said as I looked at him and nodded. "Lets talk about this later, for now, lets focus on (Y/N)." he said as I nodded and gets into fighting stance.

"You humans don't know when to quit. Fine, if you wanna dies so badly." he said as he held his hands up following with his blade. "Then I will be more than happy to end you both." he said as Midoriya and I charged towards him.

Midoriya was throwing punches towards (Y/N) while I did the same as well, seeing him dodge to everything we throw at him makes an easy work. "Is this the best you can do?" he said as he tried to slice us but luckily I made a pillar to block it.

I crouched down and I saw Midoriya jumped up in the air while I touched the floor turning it to ice as it creeps up to (Y/N) covering him up to his body. "Now Midoriya!" I yelled as his hands started to glow.

"SMASH!" he said as he punched him down and smoke starts to cover them. I panted for a bit as Aizawa came inside helping the others get out of the training area, on the other hand Midoriya was tired after that punch as I saw him limping up towards my direction.

 I panted for a bit as Aizawa came inside helping the others get out of the training area, on the other hand Midoriya was tired after that punch as I saw him limping up towards my direction

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Suddenly, a shadowy figure clouded him and Midoriya quickly looked at it, luckily he dodged it in time. "Enough of this!" (Y/N) said as the cloud of dust started to disperse revealing him in a more demonic form.

"Its time to end this!"

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