The Big Three

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As the day goes by the three students that are in their house arrest made their own tasks, Midoriya and Bakugou on cleaning the dorm while (Y/N) stayed in his room for his homework. The others however are making their way to the school grounds for the opening ceremony.

Aiko's POV:

We were walking down the corridors of U.A., of course, the whole summer was very eventful to say the least, the summer camp invasion, Bakugou's rescue, All for One vs All Might, and the provisional exams.

"Man, without those three, the class isn't complete." Mina said as I sighed. "Well, it's their fault for fighting, plus, they went nuts while doing it." I said as most of the girls agreed.

"Well, they will have a hard time on catching up that's for sure." Momo said as we looked at the boys, seeing that Monoma is at his usual self, hating the 1-A as always, strangely, there was going to happen, but I can't put my finger on it.

He leaned in to what I assumed their classmate, whispering some things as he break away from her.

"And I'll be looking forward to crush you in battle." the student cheered as the two male sweatdropped, Monoma laughing like a maniac as he gives a thumbs up to the other student. "Stop teaching her those words!" Itsuka said as she karate chopped Monoma's neck. "So that's what I was looking for." I said as the class started to walk towards the school grounds.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was on my room, sitting on my study desk as I do some research about being a great hero, of course I would already try to find a way to sneak out and not do the assignment, but I always felt that I was being watched.

I turn my head around to see if someone was actually watching me from afar. "Guess it was just my imagination." I said as I let out a sigh and went back to my homework, not until something surprising or better yet scary on what was in store for me.

" I said as I let out a sigh and went back to my homework, not until something surprising or better yet scary on what was in store for me

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"Homework huh? Guess they didn't call you a hard worker for nothing." a face was on my wall, looking at me with a smile on his face. I was sweating bullets at what is in front of me as I look at him, true that I wasn't afraid of anything at all, but a random face popping out on the wall while you're all alone in your room, that is a different story. " is..." I said as the face nodded, sinking back to where it came from.

"Is it me or am I seeing things right now?" I said as the face emerges back but this time, it was on my study desk. "Nope, I just came here to check if the rumors were true and it looks like it was." he said as I tried not scream to avoid any attention that was going to happen.

"And judging by the rumors, you are the guy who helped All Might beat All for One. Well, be seeing you!" and with that he was gone. "I need to finish this... I'm going insane bit by bit..." I said as I went back to work.

Aiko's POV:

We were standing on the open grounds as Principal Nezu begins his speech on what happened these past month, I didn't even bother listening as I trailed my eyes at everywhere, seeing that there were many students at this point, but two of them which caught my interest.

We were standing on the open grounds as Principal Nezu begins his speech on what happened these past month, I didn't even bother listening as I trailed my eyes at everywhere, seeing that there were many students at this point, but two of them whic...

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First was Denki, holding on Ojiro's tail as he pet it, I sighed as I grew curious. 'How fluffy is the hair part of his tail?' I looked around and landed my sights on the other students.

The second and last one yet is a tall blond teen presumably in his 3rd year was cracking up a smile, must be something great in the morning, but who are the other two that is with him?

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The second and last one yet is a tall blond teen presumably in his 3rd year was cracking up a smile, must be something great in the morning, but who are the other two that is with him?

As the opening ceremony was over we went towards our room and immediately classes start with Present Mic, who is full of energy as ever.


"Man, Present Mic's class is always tiring!" Sero said as Mina and the rest of us was in the common room, resting our minds after one class from the said teacher.

I heard Iida lecturing Midoriya being Mr. House Arrest, performing a series of hand gestures as well.

"Speaking of house arrest, where is Y/N?" I said as Midoriya heard it. "I think he's still at his room, I didn't saw him go out of his room and what not." he said as I nodded, whispering a thank you as I stood up and walked to his room.

I reached the front door of his dorm room as I knock on it, waiting for him to open it but it didn't happened. I knock at the door a couple more times until I had enough, I turned the doorknob and surprisingly it was unlocked and opened it fully, the next scene unfolded me was truly surprising.

I saw the (H/C)nette on his study desk, hands on a book and his head was down on the table, apparently he was doing the homework that Aizawa-sensei had punished him to do, well, two days of house arrest is pretty long.

"What am I going to do with you?" I let out a small sigh as I grabbed his blanket on the bed and covered him up, I walked out of his room and slowly closed the door, not wanting to disturb the sleeping guardian and decided to join the others.

(Timeskip until the end of Midoriya's house arrest)

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was sitting down on my desk as I look at Midoriya, being full of energy as he apologizes to everyone for his actions. Of course, I did apologize after being released from my house arrest, I turned in my homework and the day went normal by the time that I was released.

"Alright, settle down." Aizawa said as everyone goes to their seats. "I would explain the internship that Principal Nezu was talking about from the opening ceremony, but..." he paused as he looks at everyone. "I would rather let those people who would have experienced it first hand." he said as the door slides open, revealing three figures outside.

"These three are your seniors, especially the ones that have experienced the internship first hand, they are what U.A. called, The Big 3." he finished as I looked at the familiar blond that appeared on my wall, of course I didn't forget his looks, but knowing that he is one of U.A.'s top student is quite surprising.

"The Big 3 huh..."

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