Training to the Fullest

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As (Y/N) walks to the streets of Musutafu, he came across a beach. He sighed a little bit and decided to relax for a while, since the incident he doesn't get any time to relax because of his duty as a guardian plus the fight against Endeavor earlier took most of his energy out of him. He looked around the beach until he heard someone screamed.

(Y/N)'s POV:

I looked around to find the source of the sound it was loud and it was not a scream of terror, rather a scream of somewhat determined. I look around still and found a figure standing on a boulder, seeing the familiar green hair signifying it was Midoriya. I walked towards it wanting to know why Midoriya is out here.

"Oi! Mido-kun!" I yelled as he turned around just to see me. "(Y-Y/N)-kun, what are you doing here?" he asked in a confused tone as I chuckle a little bit. "Just having a stroll around the beach, is that a problem?" I asked as he shakes his head. "Now, what are you doing here?" I asked as he looked up the clouds. "Just training that's all." he simply said.

I admire what Midoriya is doing, training to be a great hero even though he doesn't have any quirk, although, All Might did entrust his quirk to Midoriya. How do I know this? Simple, All Might talked about him knowing that he need to find a successor for his quirks, he made him train hard to acquire the perfect body for the transfer and just like that Midoriya acquired the body that All Might wanted and got a quirk by swallowing a piece of his hair. Gross right? I thought it was just a joke but turns out it was real.

"Training? For what?" I asked as he looked at me making me look as his green eyes meeting with my (E/C) orbs. "Nothing really, I just wanted to be stronger like All Might." he said as I nod my head agreeing to his statement, suddenly an idea popped inside Midoriya's head as he looked at me. "Since you're here and all, um...could you please spar with me?" he asked as I looked at him for a bit. Sure he has a quirk and all, but he can't even control it properly I let out a sigh and thought about the possibilities of getting him to control the quirk without risking him to sustain some injuries.

"Alright I'll spar with you." I said as he smiled and cheered. "But..." I said as he looked at me a little worried about what will I say. "I won't hold back." I continued as he nodded at me knowing he won't hold back as well. I walked to the opposite side of the beach as Midoriya stayed in his spot. I reached my spot and looked at him, changing into my hero costume while Midoriya stayed in his workout clothes consisting of a sweatshirt, sweatpants, and a pair of green rubber shoes.

"Ready?" he said as I nodded, getting ready to spar with him. We both charged at each other, hitting our fist in an attempt to punch each other causing to build a small shockwave  that we hardly felt. We traded blows only for us to dodge every single thing we throw at each other. "I have to admit, you're improving Mido-kun." I said as he nodded a little bit making a safe distance away from me as I did the same.

I took a deep breath and dashed forward towards him, making him see nothing but a blur. "Where did he go?" he said as I appeared behind him and smack him down the sand. "Always keep guard up." I said as he groaned a little bit lifting his head on the sand. "But, how did you got behind me?" he asked as I sighed a bit. "I just used my speed, tricking you that I was invisible at the time." I said as he slowly got up and dash towards me throwing a punch at my chest successfully hitting it.

I felt the punch and surprisingly it didn't do much damage. 'He must be using a little so he won't hurt himself.' I thought as I punch him only to dodge it again. I took another deep breath and charged right at him, he saw this and quickly dodge out of instinct, but someone got hold behind him. "What the?!" he said as he turned around to see me holding him down for my clone to hit him in the stomach. "Keep your eyes open." I said as I let him go. That was twice in a row that I tricked him, hopefully the two things I said to him will remember it.

He groaned again, sensing that the pain is starting to get in his body. "Mido-kun, stay down its over. Clearly I won this one." I said as he shakes his head standing up a bit, bruises starting form over his face from the attack earlier. "No! I won't give up!" he yelled at me as I chuckle silently, he got spunk I give him that. I sighed and did the same thing over again, I dashed right at him just to see a blur, I got behind him and smack him down only to be guarded by his palm.

"Always keep your guard up!" he yelled gripping my wrists at the process and slams me down on the sand, only to see my "body" disappeared. Suddenly a hand appeared under the sand grabbing hold of Midoriya's legs. "Get off me!" he yelled as I charged towards him, my hand glowing a (F/C) aura. Meanwhile another me was charging behind him, knowing that Midoriya won't make it out in time for him to escape. He took a deep breath and punched the sand where the hands are located, as he did that it loosed on his grip as he jumped up as the two me's followed him.

"Guess who's the real one!" I yelled and gets ready to deliver the final blow from the right side, only for me to stop on my tracks. Looking down to see Midoriya's fist connected to my stomach. "SMASH!" he yelled as pain made its way to my body, knowing he used it a more than enough to send pain through my body.

I fall down mid-air and landed on the sand while Midoriya landed down on his feet. He hurriedly went to my direction as I lie down on the sand, he looked at me with his green eyes seeing the concern in his face. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)-kun!" he said as he apologizes like there's no tomorrow. I chuckle and sat up looking at him. "Guess I your training with me paid off." I said as he looked at me. "Training?" he said confused as I let out a chuckle.

"Yup I trained you to remember the two things I said, well actually I just said it obviously and how to control your quirk." I said as he looked at me in amazement noticing that it was more than a sparing session with me. As the sunsets on the beach I looked at the sky seeing the beautiful orange-ish scene in front of me. "Um...its getting late (Y/N)-kun. I think we should head back." he said as I chuckle a little bit staring at the sky still. "Maybe later." I said simply as he looks at the sky with me.

"Let's just enjoy this view for a moment."

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