Bakugo vs Iida

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The class were very surprised at the result of the next match, Bakugo versus Iida. The green haired boy was very terrified, terrified for his friend to go up against 'Kacchan'.

Midoriya's POV:

I was shocked at what I saw at the monitor, Iida-kun will go up against Kacchan. Its all too real for me to believe that the two will face each other. I can't help to worry about Iida, after all Kacchan can get carried away in battle.

"Finally! An elite that will be crushed by my hands!" Kacchan said as I sighed and looked at Iida for a while. "Please tell me its just an error or something." Iida said as (Y/N) looked at him. "As much as I hate to Iida, but technology is never wrong." he said as Iida deadpanned and I decided to comfort him a little.

After a couple of warnings that (Y/N) said, the two of them head out to the arena, but I can't get the feeling of something bad is going to happen. I sighed a bit and looked at the monitor to watch the both of them.

"Don't worry about Iida, he can take care of himself." (Y/N) said as I just nodded at him.'Please be careful Iida-san.' I thought and gets ready to watch the fight.

(Y/N)'s POV:

"Oi! Oi! Lets get this fucking thing going!" Bakugo said as I sighed and looked at him. "Still impatient as ever Bakugo." I said as he glared at me. "THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAID!" he yelled as I motioned them to start, ignoring his statement.

Bakugo was pissed about it but nonetheless he charged at Iida head on as Iida did as well. Looking at their quirks its a hard matchup, Bakugo's quirk is explosion which means that his sweat can be used as a bomb the drawback is that when he used it too much it can lead to his arm feeling pain, another one is that he can't use his quirk if he is in a field with gas, one explosion can lead to devastation.

Iida's quirk is engine which means that he gains super speed as he use his quirk, much like an engine he requires exhaust pipe behind his legs so it can function properly its downside well, if you know about machines then you are familiar with the term called "Overheat". The two of them where giving it their all as I watched closely.

The two of them exchanged blows, Bakugo on the other hand was using his quirk against Iida, blasting him in different directions but Iida dodges it, seemingly well aware of his surroundings. 'Great awareness from Iida so far, now lets see how will you cope up with your quirk Bakugo.' I thought as Iida looks at him. "Stop dodging everything you damn elite!" Bakugo said as Iida gets ready in position, smoke coming out from the exhaust pipes.

"Recipro Burst!" Iida said as he disabled his engine gaining an enhanced speed for a couple of seconds as he dash through Bakugo. Bakugo didn't see it coming as he shoot out some explosions but only to miss Iida. As he gets closed to Bakugo, Iida delivered a sharp blow on Bakugo's stomach and landing a punch sending Bakugo away from him. He pant and started to reset his engines as he smirked a bit. "How's that for an elite?" he said as some explosions can be heard and out came Bakugo from the smoke, his hands in a backward position propelling his way towards Iida.

"I DON'T EVEN GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOUR WEAK BLOWS!" he yelled as he punched Iida on his body not satisfied enough, he made his armor crack a little by putting some power on his explosion. "THAT IS WAY TOO DANGEROUS!" Jiro said as I looked at Bakugo. 'At this rate he will literally break or destroy Iida.' I thought but I can't interfere if the situation is very crucial. I rubbed my (H/C) hair as I watch the fight more.

"HOW'S THAT FOR POWER!" he yelled as Iida stood up slowly feeling the effects of the blow that Bakugo has left him. 'Damn, I can't believe he actually did that.' Iida thought as he touched his body where he got punched on. I saw it and couldn't believe my eyes, Bakugo came too far beating him literally, I look to my right to see Midoriya looking in sheer horror as what is happening down there. I pressed a button and the platform rises revealing a robot. 'This is the only way to avoid any further injuries.' I thought as I look at them, waiting for my plan to work.

Bakugo noticed the robot as he cracks his knuckles. "DAMN YOU (Y/N)! DAMN IT ALL!" he yelled as he charged at the robot, leaving a trail of explosions behind him. "Wait!" Iida yelled as he chase after the explosive (figuratively and literally speaking) boy. 'How will the two of you cope up?' I thought as I see Bakugo attacked the robot it a barrage of explosive attacks seemingly doing a great damage on it.

"Bakugo we need a plan." Iida said as Bakugo glared daggers at him. "THIS IS THE PLAN NUMBSKULL!" he said as he keeps attacking the robot doing a great damage at it. Iida groaned and searched for a opening, he scanned the robot who is busy fighting Bakugo and quickly found one. "Aim for his backside!" he yelled as Bakugo looked at him. "WHY IN THE HELL SHOULD I FOLLOW YOU!"  Bakugo yelled as Iida made a diversion to stall the robot.

Bakugo just groaned in annoyance as he extends his arm on it, making an improvise crosser of some sort as he take aim of the robot's backside. "AP SHOT!" he yelled as he let out a concentrated blast making its way to the robot. "DIE!" he yelled as Iida made to a safe distance and the beam made its way to the backside of the robot, destroying it completely with a bang.

Iida saw it and looked at Bakugo who is seemingly walking away. "BE GLAD THAT I DIDN'T FINISH YOU OFF YET, IF WE FIGHT AGAIN I'LL MAKE SURE YOU'RE GOING TO BE A DEAD PIECE OF MEAT!" Bakugo said as he walked back to the group as Iida follows him not saying a word about the statement he said.

The two of them made it back to the class as I looked at the two battered boys, well, Iida took all the damage and stuff. "Good work you two, Iida with the diversion you made Bakugo ensured the shot went through." I said as I turn my attention to Bakugo which seemingly caught his attetion. "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT?" he asked as I sighed. "Just ease on the killer intent next time, you don't want to lose an ally when it comes on a real mission and such." I said as he looked away from me. "WHATEVER! JUST STAY OUT OF MY WAY!" he said as I sighed.

"Right, 3 matches down and 2 more to go. Lets see who's next." I said as I pressed a button and the machine randomizes the fourth battle. Seconds later the results where in. "The next fight will be..." I said as the class waits for the result and I couldn't believe at what I saw. "Come on! Who is it?" Ashido said as the suspense is killing them.

"Shoto Todoroki versus Izuku Midoriya..."

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