Tsuyu vs Tokoyami

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"And begin!"

With that being said the two of them clashed together, well more like Tokoyami's Dark Shadow was fighting Tsuyu at the moment.

(Y/N)'s POV:

All of us are watching the two of them fight, seeing that Tokoyami sent out Dark Shadow to fight is a great way to start, although, Dark Shadow can be weaken against sunlight, causing him to retract back to Tokoyami.

Looking at Tsuyu seemingly having a hard time coping up with Dark Shadow on the field, her quirk is very nice, having the characteristics of a frog can be useful in such a rainy weather.

Dark Shadow landed a punch to Tsuyu, making her stopped in her tracks and flew away a little, regaining her posture a little while. Tsuyu then started to jump around trying to confuse Dark Shadow as she uses her tongue to grab Tokoyami which he noticed it and dodges away from it.

"Alright, time to take change the field." I said as everyone looked at me and with a flick of the switch from the control panel it started to rain. Looking back at them, Tokoyami was confused and soaking wet, looking around to see that Tsuyu is gone.

Everyone was surprised clearly not knowing where she is well except for Midoriya, knowing that Tsuyu didn't vanish all of a sudden she is just using her camouflage to hide herself from Tokoyami.

Tokoyami looked around the area being cautious about his situation in the rain, knowing that Tsuyu has the advantage for now. He felt a sharp pain on his back as Tsuyu kicked him behind sending him to the ground as he order Dark Shadow to attack which misses completely.

Tokoyami stands up getting in position as Tsuyu realeased a sticky toxin out of her, hitting Tokoyami on his body slowly burning his clothing away. He took it off and looks pissed about it as Dark Shadow grows big fueling his anger.

With a flick of the switch again the field stopped raining and suddenly it went dark. Tokoyami rose up and Dark Shadow grew bigger. "Just as I thought." I said as All Might looked at me. "What is it my boy?" he asked as I look up at him. "Dark Shadow grows bigger and stronger when nighttime comes." I said as I get back to the fight.

Dark Shadow grew bigger than I expected, looking at the field where the shadow attacks. It happened like a blur as Dark Shadow was really quick on its tracks hitting Tsuyu sending her away.

The class was in total shock at what happened, they didn't even noticed Dark Shadow's movement, everything seems to blend in when Tokoyami and Dark Shadow is in the dark. The attack continues as Tsuyu tries to dodge all of his attacks but failed completely as she was slammed to the ground.

As she was hold down on the ground, I flicked a switch again and nighttime is over, making Dark Shadow return to its original form. Not a moment too soon a platform starts to rise, seeing a giant robot on it.

"That was very good guys, really great now for the next test, take down the robot." I said as the class yet to look at me. "Are you crazy (Y/N)!" Kaminari yelled as Kirishima shakes my shoulder. "Are you trying to get themselves killed!" he yelled as I look the both of them blankly and presses a button on the mic. "Oh yeah I forget, you have 5 minutes to take a rest." I said simply as the whole class sighed in relief.

The two of them sighed and sat down on the floor taking a rest, I sighed a bit knowing that this fight is just to see how strong they got and how well is their teamwork gonna be.

I took a glance on Midoriya and Bakugo, having a thought of them pairing up in the last round of the battle, but that is yet to decide later on.

I pressed a button and the robot starts to activate, as the two of them was rested they stood up and gets ready to do battle. The robot then starts to charge in their direction, Tsuyu was hopping around while Dark Shadow is gonna fend the robot off.

'They have some sort of a plan, but what could it be?' I thought as I watch them rubbing my (H/C) hair a little bit. Dark Shadow starts to claw its way to the robog while Tsuyu is hopping around, trying to find a weak spot on the robot.

Couple of minutes in, the two of them started to attack, leaving some dents, claw marks, and holes from Tsuyu's acid. "Seems like they're working fine." I said silently as I looked at Tokoyami, panting from exhaustion. Suddenly, Dark Shadow retracted towards him and the surprised look was in my face.

"Black Ankh!" he yelled as he wears Dark Shadow like an armor of some sorts. The class was amazed by this as I did too and proceeds on watching the fight once more. Tsuyu was using her camouflage again as she hopped behind Tokoyami.

Tokoyami then shoots out one of Dark Shadow's claw in a high speed manner, hitting the robot on its leg. He repeats the same process until he decided to shoot both of Dark Shadow's claw. "Gloom of the Black Arm!" he yelled as it made direct contact to the robot as the claws surrounds it.

Tsuyu on the other hand uses her tongue and grabbed Tokoyami with it, nodding in understanding as he throws Tokoyami towards the robot and claws out its head, breaking it and the robot falls down.

The two of them went back to where the class is and sits down on the seat. "Good work both of you. Both of you performed really well exceed my expectations. Although Dark Shadow should be strong enough to withstand the sunlight so he won't retract back easily. Nonetheless good work. " I said as they nodded and I went back to the screen.

"Round 1 is over, now time for the second round." I said as I pressed a key and the machine begins its work. A little moment later the results were done.

"The second match will be Denki Kaminari versus Eijirou Kirishima." I said as the two of them groan, they're best friends for a reason well at least until their match is over.

The two of them went down to the field as they stretched for a little bit. "Goodluck bro." Kaminari said as Kirishima nodded. "May the manliest man win." Kirishima said as they get in position.

"Round 2, begin!"

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