Him: I wonder why it's called conflation.com
Her: I've had the same question before.
Him: Well, I assume you know the answer as of now?
Her: I guess.
Him: Spill.
serendipity is typing...
Her: Conflate, meaning- to blend together.
serendipity is typing...
serendipity is typing...
Him: You're making me nervous.
seredipity is typing...
Her: According to wikipedia, conflation occurs when the identities of two or more individuals concepts, or places, sharing some characteristics of one another, seem to be a single identity - differences appear to become lost.
Him: Okay...?
Her: I guess the purpose of this social site is to find conflation between two or more individuals, building unity and friendship to people.
Him: Well said. Hands down.
Her: I love Google.

Conflation (Beginner's Luck Award)
Short Story❝ the worst way for friendships to end is for literally nothing to go wrong. you just stop talking.❞