serendipity (n.) "happy accident" or "pleasant surprise" ; the accident of finding something good without looking for it.
Him: Curious thought: Why do you use serendipity as your username?
Her: That's a nice question.
Her: Aren't you going to ask what is serendipity first?
Him: It happened that I already knew the answer.
Her: Impressive.Him: So why?
Her: Uhm okay okay.serendipity is typing...
serendipity is erasing...
serendipity is typing...
Her: My answer is so fucking cheesy it would choke you I swear
Her: I invoke my right against self discrimination.
Him: It's incrimination. Not discrimination. XD
Her: Whatever.

Conflation (Beginner's Luck Award)
Short Story❝ the worst way for friendships to end is for literally nothing to go wrong. you just stop talking.❞