Him: I used to draw. I "liked" drawing. Not to brag or anything, but my art teacher in highschool always gave me A+. I was actually good. He even recommended me to the university.
Her: Seriously why
Him: Shh I'm not done yet.
Her: Oh okay go on, then.
Him: At the end of the year, he called his students, asking if we want our works back; like to keep them or something. Or else it would all be wasted. They're going to send them but I said they could keep and do whatever they want with it. I lost my passion for it.
Her: Oh my god! Why didn't you get them?! Considering they were all A+? You could have sold them! Or atleast you could have kept them inside your room!
Him: I doubt anyone would buy them. Well it was already 2 years ago. They were probably gone by now. I think when you lost your passion for something, it's kind of hard to get it back.
Her: I still don't understand. You can't just forget something you once wanted.
Him: I didn't forget it. Well, I just lost my passion for it. That's it. I stopped drawing and I never will be again. Anyway, of course you can.
Her: Yeah, well. You can, probably. But not entirely. There will always be traces.
Him: Whatever you say. ;) So.. what about you? You made me tell my whole life story in just 3 days. That is actually kind of impressive.

Conflation (Beginner's Luck Award)
Short Story❝ the worst way for friendships to end is for literally nothing to go wrong. you just stop talking.❞