omg sorry peeps this isn't a real update omg sorry
so uhm okay.
one of life's inevitable tragedies is losing a precious friendship in the worst way possible.
anyone who has read conflation's blurb would probably know what i'm talking about.drifting apart from someone you used to talk to (for probably months or even years) is horrible, it's just so horrible so i'm sorry guys if reading this triggers some memories. but it's really fine if you don't want to, really. no strings attached. you can just move on to another chapter. :)
but to people who are willing,
i'd like you guys to share one of your worst friendship epilogues.
how it ends, what's the reason why you and that "person" drifted away from each other.although i know i'd be really hard to think why it ended that way because most of the times, it just happens.
without signs, without warnings. it just ends.
but sometimes, there's a root for something. there's always a hidden and repressed root.
so guys tell me about it on the comments box.
share your story.
share share share.
this would be like a survey.
i'm honestly having a hard time thinking about what would happen next in this story.
i really need ideas and inspirations.
thank you in advance ily

Conflation (Beginner's Luck Award)
Short Story❝ the worst way for friendships to end is for literally nothing to go wrong. you just stop talking.❞