a/n: holy geese @kissingunderwater(bee) made me lots of banners for this story and she's like one of the greatest and nicest people i met on wattpad and look at that luke's character banner (to the side) she made! isn't it gorgeous? go check her stories out omfg i'm freakin' hooked like really really hooked with Finding Omegle Boy! trust me guys read it.
a beeping sound made its way out of the holes of his laptop speaker
and never in his life did he thought that the annoying beep
would sound too angelic to his ears.
Her: Well. Okay. Yeah its okay. Friends, right?
Yeah its okay.
Friends, right?
Friends, right?
there was an slight unrecognizable "pang" in his chest that even him found quite weird.
and that made him quite angry and annoyed at no one.
LukeWebster is typing...
LukeWebster is erasing...
ha-ha. probably i was right the first time. this is the internet what do you expect?
internet infatuation wasn't real.
ha-ha. that's dumb, he thought. yeah, probably she even thought so.
Him: Yeah. Of Course. Well, I think I should sleep now.serendipity is typing...
Her: Isn't it too early? I mean okay haha. Goodnight, Luke.
Him: Night, mate.

Conflation (Beginner's Luck Award)
Short Story❝ the worst way for friendships to end is for literally nothing to go wrong. you just stop talking.❞