Invasion Prologue

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??? POV

"Yo Jake! When we gonna get the kids!" I shout startling the man who started this gambling game.

"John! Pipe down would ya?? We will wait till tomorrow and then invade everyone. But when going there make sure to get every single kid. Don't leave one behind. Can't wait to get some cash. We'll be soaking in the jewels!"

"This is why you're my love one and only." I say pecking his cheek.

"Cmon let's get to bed. We will finish the arena later on." Jake explains. I nod as we both he'd to our room.

Time Skip Your POV

"Mommy mommy! Daddy! Daddy! Look! I made a mud castle!" I shout.

"That's great sweetheart!!" Mommy yells.

"Looks like someone's tired... Cmon let's get you to bed!" Daddy says. I rub my eyes nodding.

"Goodnight (Y/N)" mommy and daddy say. I smile a big wide toothy grin and dream off into slumber.


"Hi are you ok?? Don't worry I won't hurt you!" A redhead girl says.

"Who are you??" I ask sniffling.

"You'll find out soon"

Time Skip Next Day Afternoon

"Mommy Daddy can I go play outside now?? I promise I won't morph into anything." I say crossing my heart.

"Hahaha ok go on." Daddy says sipping his coffee. I smile running outside.

I start to climb my tree going onto the tippy top.

"The view is so pretty..." I say in awe.

"Well of course it is." A voice say.

I turn around swiftly. A big man with dark brown hair and chocolate eyes stands before me. He has a light  coco skin tone and is wearing a t-shirt and jeans.

"Who are you??"

"I'm John what your name??" He asks sweetly.


"(Y/N)..." he starts moving closer to me and I move back... before I knew it he grabs me with both scaly hands and muffles my scream.

"Mmmmmmmm!!!!!" I try screaming but all that comes out are sobs.

"Relax it won't hurt that much!" He injects something into my soft (s/c) hands. I start dropping my eyes and collapse. The last thing I remember are my parents' screams.

John POV

A few hours have passed ever since we invaded the village taking all the children. One caught my eye though...
(Y/N) I think ima own them. Yah... they seem powerful.

"Alright John here's all the kids explain everything." Jake says throwing every down.

"LISTEN UP! Each of you will be going to someone and they will be your owner. You will do as they say! If you screw up you're dead! Each day two of you will be chosen to be put into a arena. You will fight till the other is dead! No exceptions! (Y/N)! You're mine!" The girls/boys/other's Eyes widen. She/he/other tried to run but the other guard block the route.

"First Match! (Y/N) (L/N) versus Drew Kyu! Begin! Use your magic to kill!" Jake shouted. Drew was a scrony kid with green eyes and brown hair. Light toned skin.

(Y/N) strikes first morphing into a fly, landing on top of Drew. She/he/other then Turns into an elephant and that kills him in a second.

"Winner (Y/N)! Here John 5 million jewels." A guard says. I smirk taking it all, grabbing (Y/N) by the ear and going to her/his/other cell.

"Let go!" She/he/other struggles but I cling on. Throwing her/him/other in I walk back up. I hear her/his/other sobs but just continue. God 5 million!? She's/he's/other worth so much! I'd say about 100 million.

Your POV

Please someone save me. Please someone save me. I killed a little boy! He had no right to die! I hate myself! I should just die! Please someone.... save me. I don't want to be alone...

A/N instead of  writing he she other, it will be (s/h/o) Have a great day or night! Till next time! Bye!!! And I know this was short but only cause this was the prologue next chapter will be longer!

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