Chapter 13 Searching For Laxus

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Your POV

I stay in my human form, not wasting my magic energy. I look around, seeing almost all of the Fairy Tail members wiped out... Three left excluding the girls. Me, Natsu, and Gajeel. Happy... doesn't really count. But Gray getting beat?? That's surprising.

Natsu POV

"Only three remaining..." gramps mumbles.
I sigh. "Guess I have to revive Erza now." I state, resting my hands behind my head.

"WHAT!?!" Gramps and iron face yell. I take her statue and place it on the floor.

"Yah, I can use my fire to melt the stone..." I say clearly. Gramps shakes his head now, sweat dropping. "We won't know till we try!" I exclaim. "Heheheh"

"Don't get frisky fire breath..." Gajeel threatens. Her forehead starts cracking!!

"AHHH! I'm sorry I'm sorry!" I exclaim bowing. "HAPPY GLUE!!!"

"Aye sir!!"

"You idiot use your fire and my iron and we can wield her back together!" Iron breath scolds.

"WHAAAATTTT?!?" Gramps bellows. Her entire body starts cracking! Oh crap oh crap!

"IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY!!!!!" I beg, bowing up and down. The stone shatters before all of are eyes, revealing... Erza!?!?

"I feel... warm.... NATSU!!!!" She hissed. I back away, leaving her to Gramps.

Erza POV

"Did you hear everything Erza??" Master asks.

"Yes. Where is (Y/N)??" I ask.

"They went to fight as well."

"Wait... why did it change from four to five?!" Natsu yells confused.

I snicker to myself. "Did you forget?? Another Fairy Tail mage, one out of town..."


"Yes him. Now Erza go and defeat Laxus!" Master orders. I nod running out the door.

Your POV

I get on top of high ground hoping to see a view of Laxus. Instead... I'm greeted by Fairy bullets. I dodge them quickly. The smoke clears away revealing... Evergreen.

"Hahahaha! It's time to fall (Y/N)!!" She laughs, pulling out her fan.

I keep a straight face and turn into her. I use her Fairy Gun magic and shoot at her. She tries turning me into stone but I close my eyes. I land a few attacks on her then back away, opening my eyes again. "Not bad... for a mute person..." she snickers.


"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!" A familiar voice thundered. I turn around and see the Titania still in her cute maid outfit. "(Y/N) allow me to handle her... please go find Laxus..." she orders. I shake my head no. She looks at me, in a very frightening way. I turn into a goblin, and knock Evergreen backwards. She looks at me with a grimace. I leave her to the almighty Titania.

Erza POV

I watch (Y/N) walk away, satisfied with their damage they have done. I stare at Evergreen, with my deathly stare. "Why are you called the Titania?! I am the true Queen of Fairies!" She declares.

"I don't know who gave me that nickname. Call yourself that. But never rage a fight with Erza Scarlet!" I say threatening. She uses her fairy gun on me but I gracefully dodge. She doubles the power, leaving only a few scratches. She snickers I requip my feet to wield swords, as well as my hands.

"WHAT!?!" She yelps. I throw my two swords at her, trapping her. "My stone eyes have another power!" I walk closer to her. "I can turn those girls into a pile of r-ruble right now!"

"What??" I mutter. I know for a fact she's lying.

"BOW DOWN TO ME!!" She shouted. I requip into my Heaven's Wheel Armor.

"Do you value the title more than your life?!" I screech. "Turn all of the girls back! Now!" I order.

"Okay okay! I also know where Laxus is!"

Your POV

I glazed over a few tunes made by Freed, who I'm told. Thankfully, but sadly, most Fairy Tail members are knocked out cold. Oh man... if Laxus is a few years older than me... and is doing this... I'm wayyyyy smarter than him! Even I'm not THAT stupid.

Master POV

"Old man! Can you here me?" A skull shouts. "Since a rule was removed, I added one. You have one hour and thirteen minutes otherwise I unleash Thunder Palace!"

Your POV

Above me, random lightning lacrimas appears out of thin air. Were they always there or did I just notice?? I hear footsteps running up to me. I turn around and see Erza!

"I beat Evergreen. Let's look around for Laxus now. Try flying in the sky to see him I'll look down here." She orders. I nod turning into a hawk. I shoot myself up, flying high into the skies.

Time Skip

I hear a blast coming from Cardia Cathedral. "The church?" Erza asks. I fly back down, turning into my human form next to her. We both run towards the church seeking Laxus. We run inside.

"LAXUS!!" Two voices yell. I look over and see Natsu?? Fighting Laxus is someone else already.

"You're wide open!!" Laxus yells. He sends an electric bolt to the man. His masks comes off revealing... blue hair... red mark...

"J-Jellal?!' Erza quakes.

"Heh. It looks like my identity has been revealed. I am not Jellal, a look alike. Erza, Natsu, (Y/N) this is your battle now..." The look alike says. He raises a staff and vanishes??? Laxus smirks then looks towards us.

"Three against one?? That's not fair... it'll be an easy win for me..."

"Confident are we??" Erza asks, raising her sword.

"Ohhh I'm FIRED UP NOW!!!" Natsu's hands start lighting up.

Around Laxus lightning comes showering down. I dodge easy bolts sent towards me. Erza turns her back to Laxus. STUPID!! No offense Erza but still!! Laxus shoots a powerful bolt at her. I rush to her side pushing her out of the way. The bolt goes through the church wall and other buildings, piercing right through. I help her up and try turning into Laxus.

"Thank you..."

"Yo why can't you turn into him?!" Natsu shouts, while fighting. I shrug my shoulders. I actually know... I don't have enough magic energy for that. But I didn't even fight... maybe he has a lot stored up. Instead I turn into Erza in her Heavens Wheel armor.

"Don't ruin all the fun..." a rough voice calls. I smile to myself.


A/N I know I'm not following the anime/manga entirely but this is my story (I don't own Fairy Tail) so I'll be changing it a bit. Hope you enjoyed! Have a great day or night. Till next time. BYEE!!!!

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