Chapter 23 Uranometria!

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Remember the contest! Read A/N Contest! And I'm sorry I didn't update for a while!!

Third Person POV

(Y/N) continued to attack Lucy, not letting her get the upper hand. Lucy rolls over to the riverside, summoning her spirit. "Open the gate of the Water Bearer! Aquarius!" Lucy yelled, placing her key in the water. She moved just in time before (Y/N) could bite her head off. Now they were a lion, ready to kill their friend. Their vibrant (e/c) eyes were replaced with piercing (e/c) ones. Along with a dirty look to match.

"Hah! See I can do anything when it comes to it!"

"Aquarius! Take (Y/N) and Angel out! Even if you have to knock me out too!" Lucy said, sweat dripping from her face, dodging (Y/N)'s attacks.

"Ehhh? I was already planning that from the start!"

"You.. you were??" Lucy asked, sweat dripping from her face. (Y/N) lingered behind Lucy, waiting to catch their prey. The circled the two. Aquarius rolled her eyes at the shape shifter, tired of all of the fighting even though she did none.

"TIME TO GO FLYING ALL OF YOU!!" The mermaid shouted, raising her jar. Angel took out one of her Zodiac keys, summoning her spirit.

"Open the Gate of the Scorpion! Scorpio!" The scorpion man came out, posing.

"Scorpio!!" Aquarius exclaimed. Hearts filling her eyes at the sight of her boyfriend.

"SAY WHAAA!?!" Lucy shrieked, her eyes bulging out.

"How are you Aquarius? Long time no see??" Scorpio asked, his hand around her.

"I missed you so much!"

"D-don't tell me... HES THE BOYFRIEND YOU ALWAYS TALK ABOUT!?!" Lucy shouted, pointing her finger. (Y/N), still in their lion form tilted their head of confusion.

"Yep! That's him!" Aquarius exclaimed, cupping her cheeks.

"Nice to meet cha Aquarius's owner!" Scorpio exclaimed happily.

"WHAT HAS GOTTEN INTO AQUARIUS!?" Lucy asked bewildered.

"Go ahead. Say something pest about Scorpio. I dare you..." Aquarius threatened. "Let's grab a bite Scorpio!"

"Wait wait Aquarius!" Lucy called. Before her, Aquarius and her lover disappeared. "NOOOO!!" Lucy cried. She heard growling behind her. Before Lucy even turned around she knew it was (Y/N). Angel took this as an advantage and kicked Lucy on her back.. HARD. Lucy gets back up calling on the strongest Zodiac spirit.

"Your prince has arrived!"

"Please take her and (Y/N) out! (Y/N)'a affected by Nirvana and we can't win until we defeat the Oracion Seis!" Lucy explained.

"Not a problem Lucy." Leo assured.

"Didn't I mention how important celestial relationships are?? Hmmm guess not? Open, Gate of the Ram. Aries." Angel said calmly.

"I'm sorry Leo.." Aries whispered. Leo's eyes widened open so did Hibiki's.

"Karen's celestial spirt. Aries...." Lucy whispered to herself. "What is she doing here? Now Loke can't even fight..." (Y/N) growled even more, frustrated from the confusion. "Why do you have Karen's celestial spirit?!"

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