Chapter 44

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(Y/N) was making themselves a small breakfast, knowing that they had enough money in the bank and didn't have to worry about anything at the moments. This was their first break... in a long time. Sitting down with an omelet sandwich in hand, they started to reminisce about how eventful the past year had become. I attempted to kill Fairy Tail in the beginning of the year, now look at me. I joined the damn guild. And accidentally started falling for someone. (Y/N) thought, letting out a silent chuckle to themselves.

A soft knock was heard at the wooden door. (Y/N) didn't expect any guests to be arriving, and thought it might've been Lucy since she was their neighbor. They got up from their seat, marking their place in the book and answered the door. "(Y/N)!" A redhead exclaimed with a smile.

It took a few moments to for (Y/N) to realize that the person they love was standing right in front of them. Their mouth parted, quite in awe to see the outfit Erza was wearing. It wasn't her usual white blouse, and blue skirt. But a dusty rose sweater, with black leggings and a pair of rose colored boots. (Y/N) blinked out of their trance, inviting Erza inside, noticing that it started to begin to snow.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting anything." Erza said sheepishly, making her way inside and gently patting her head to remove the excess snow. (Y/N) took note of her almost white head, and started running their hands through her hair taking the snow out. Erza felt her cheeks grow slightly warm, feeling (Y/N)'s hands come in contact of her head. She did find them attractive, cute, funny, and definitely smart. They were exactly her type, yet, both were too oblivious to notice each other's feeling.

"Not at all." (Y/N) said smiling, glad that Erza had came. They would've been too embarrassed to ask her to come. The two decided to take a seat on the couch, fairly close to one another but with no contact.

"I was hoping I didn't. I haven't had a break in a while, I don't even know what I could possible do." Erza said chuckling to herself, staring at (Y/N) with a warm smile. "Tell me (Y/N)-" Erza began, before positioning herself that her body faced them. (Y/N) lifted their head up smiling at Erza, waiting for her to continue. "Can I ask something personal of you?" She questioned hesitantly, the question eating her alive almost.

(Y/N) was quite taken back how blunt Erza became, but didn't mind any question to be asked to them. They trusted Erza, with their life practically. (Y/N) nodded their head hesitantly, fidgeting with their bandages that was wrapped around their entire arm.

"Did you.. have a childhood?" Erza asked, her voice growing soft as well as her brows furrowed. She knew only brief moments in their past, and usually (Y/N) would always disregard their childhood and time in City Of Cries.

"No." (Y/N) answered, being honest with the girl in front of her for once. "Not once, did I ever have a childhood there. I was happy before I was taken, my parents gave me everything I wanted or needed. And- I forgot their names- but the people who owned me in the city, one of them was nice to me. They took pity on me." (Y/N) further explained, making sure as they mouthed their words, they were nice and slow. Their hands started to shake, out of recalling the memories they despised so. Sure, they were messed up, murdered, tortured, people and children, too many to even count. But they did change. They changed for the better.

Erza saw (Y/N)'s hand nervously shake, and gently took the hand, wrapping her own around it tightly. "It's okay (Y/N)... I'm here for you now." She whispered to them.

The cheeks of the (h/c) head heated up, turning a shade of pink. They smiled nodding their head. (Y/N) was grateful for who they fell in love with, but wished they could tell her. "Thank you."

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