Chapter 11 We Cant Loose You

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A/N I know I kinda rushed the beginning of this story, but now I will take it nice and easy. Enjoy!

Your POV

I can't believe my eyes... Natsu completely destroying Jellal. I look over to Erza and see her mourn. I rush to her side. The lacrima beneath us starts to crumble. I lift her up and take her to a safer part of the floor. More like a corner. I motion my hands for her to stay.

"METEOR!!!" I hear Jellal yell.

Instead of crashing into Natsu he comes rushing into me. I slide Erza across the lacrima and get hit in the gut. I crash into the pillar behind me. I shape shift into a mouse and scurry away. I turn into my human form and catch myself from falling. I next turn into my main form, an ice Phoenix. I haven't used this form in a while. It feels weird. I use ice breath on Jellal freezing his arm, Natsu comes in and uses Fire Dragon Talons. Jellal gets sent flying back.

Small Time Skip I am so so so so very sorry I'm really bad with fight scenes

After Natsu and I use up all of our magic energy Jellal is finally defeated. Natsu faints, hut I just can't move. Erza gets up. The ground starts to shake.

"This lacrima can't hold all the magic energy in one place..." Erza says to me.

I struggle getting up, but fall on my face again. She picks up Natsu and I, she starts to run. The roof starts falling onto us.

"Maybe it can still take me..." I hear her whisper.

She walks over to me of the new ice blocks formed. I look up to her and try running. She places her arm in.

"Agh! It's ok (Y/N)... I'll be alright..." I kneel up to her waist and tug on her free arm. Her entire left side is now inside of the ice. "Fairy Tail will always be in my heart. When Natsu wakes up tell him that I can never live without Fairy Tail. My family... Ahh!" She grunts in pain. Only her head sticks out now.

I shake my head violently. Tears prick my eyes. I grip onto her head and try pulling her out with my left over strength. Tears escape from both her eyes, instead of one...

She starts to sink into the ice... I bang on the ice hoping to crack it. I see her start to fade away. I try to scream, evening though I can't. NOOO ERZA NO PLEASE!!!! We can't loose you!!

Erza POV

I start to float up to a bright light. I'm being taken into a time period I suppose... once the light fades away I see that it's my funeral.

Everyone in black, Master brings a bouquet of flowers to my gravestone. One of the Magic council members announces that I'm one of the Ten Wizard Saints now. Natsu pounds his first onto the ground and throws the flowers off my grave.

"ERZA ISNT DEAD!!" He screams. The men hold him back, Lucy falls to her knees. I see (Y/N) dressed in a black cloak, only being able to see their bottom face. Once everyone leaves they come up to my grave. Holding a single rose. She remembered my favorite flower... they sit on their knees and place the rose with a note. It reads "I never told you. I'm sorry"

I wake up with a sudden jolt. I see Gray, Sho, Milliana, Natsu, Lucy, Juvia, and Wally. I realize I'm being carried now... I look up to the face and see... (Y/N). They found me inside of the lacrima??... they release me from their grasp and fall on their knees. They write in the sand.

"We're all the same now. I can't imagine not being in Fairy Tail. Neither can any other member. Never do anything like that again. NEVER!!" Tears fall from their eyes. Tears fall from everyone's eyes. I embrace (Y/N), and soon everyone comes in making it a group hug.

"Thank you..." I sob.

Time Skip

(Y/N) and Natsu are still asleep!?" Lucy asks astonished.

Everyone is bandaged up now, but (Y/N) and Natsu are by far the worst.
"(Y/N) used an incredible amount of magic energy that they weren't use to. Natsu ate etherion.." I state, sipping my tea. "Where is Juvia??" I ask.

"She headed back. Said she wanted to get a room in Fairy Hills." Gray answers. I nod.

"I'll... beat you.... Take that stripper..." Natsu grunts, while sleeping.

"Even in his sleep..." Gray mutters.

Small Time Skip

"Lucy?! Have you seen Wally, Sho, and Milliana?!" I ask rushing in her room. She shakes her head no. "Tell Natsu Gray and (Y/N) ready fireworks!" I run out of her room and onto the beach. I see the three readying their boat to leave.

"Sorry sis... we didn't want to bother you..." Sho starts, I cut him off changing into my Fairwell armor.

"THERE ARE THREE RULES WHEN ONE LEAVES FAIRY TAIL!!!!" I shout. They get caught off guard. "NUMBER ONE!!!! No sensitive information is to be given out!" Natsu starts up the first firework, shooting beautiful flames in the sky. "TWO!!! You are to have no relations with past client!" Gray does the second firework shooting ice in the sky. "THREE!!! You are to live your life to the fullest, and to never stop giving up!" Lucy uses her celestial magic to form a firework as well. (Y/N) turns into a lovely giant bird media dancing in the sky with the fireworks. "I wish we can stay together, but you have the world to journey. May we see each other soon." They all start to cry, waving goodbye from the boat. The fire works still go off. Goodbye my friends... I'll see you another day...

Time Skip Back At Guild

Just for our return a party was thrown. Gajeel... Is singing!!! While everyone else is dancing and getting drunk. Including (Y/N) which is a bit alarming. Also the guild hall was renewed and made into a huge one. Now anyone can take an S-class quest but must have an S-class wizard with them.

I see (Y/N) by me hungover. I smirk to myself knowing they won't remember in the morning. I grab them and peck their cheek. A massive blush forms onto their face. They stand their in shock. They take out their pen and paper and write,

"Im not drunk Erza... but let's pretend it never happened."

A/N hope you enjoyed! Now since we are on the Laxus arc I'll take it slower and have better chapters. I'm not good with beginnings that's why. Have a great day or night! Till next time. BYEE!!!!

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