Chapter 9

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Jungkook's pov:

It's been 2 days the last time I saw Jimin-hyung, I miss him so much! I called him 20 times already but he doesn't answer me! What is his problem!? Suddenly, the door bell ringed. I dashed to the door and opened it, hoping it's Jimin-hyung. "Oh, Tae-hyung." I said, disappointed. "What? So no 'hello' or 'TaeTae-hyung!!' huh, am I that bad of a hyung!?" he fake cried which I grinned at. "Hyung, don't be silly, come in," I said. "Soooo, why are you sad Kookie?" he asked, getting some crisp from the cupboard. "It's Jimin-hyung, he isn't answering my calls! It's frustrating me!...." I said sadly. "Oh yeah, I haven't seen him for 2 days, do you know where he lives?" "Hyung, if I knew where he lives, then do you think I would've said that...?" This hyung though... "Hah, I don't know!!" "Anyway, I'm gonna call him again." I said I dialed his number and pressed call, taking a deep breath in.. "Hello?" "OMG HYUNG! you answered!" I screamed, finally..

"Yeah, I'm sorry Jungkook, it's just that I got too much work to do and they wont give me a break! It's so hard to catch up on everything.." he sighed. "It's okay hyung, but you could've just opened the phone or call me for 5 minutes... I was really worried." His job is that hard?! "I'm sorry again, but I will be having a break for 3 days so I can come to your house, if you want, but I will be coming whether or not. If you give me your address" " It's ** ***** ***. Then hyung, see you tomorrow..?" "Yeah, bye Jungkook!" "Bye!"

"Soo, what is it?" Tae-hyung asked. "Work."

1 day later:

I was looking through my phone on my bed, it's Sunday do there's no school nor work, when I heard the door bell ring.I run to the door and opened it with a big smile on my face, jumping on the person outside.
"Hyung! I missed you so much.." I buried my face in his neck. His arms sneaked around my waist and he giggled. "I missed you too Jungkook but its just been 2 days." Jimin-hyung said. I stood on the floor and pulled him inside from his arm.
"Soo what are you been up to?" I asked,
"Well just work, you know, folders, writing, ideas. Like that."
"Sounds pretty boring."
"Yeah" We sat down on the sofa and I flew to the CD's.
"Jimin, lets watch a film!" I insisted.
"Okay, oh, I know a new one! It's called 'IT', lets watch that!" He said excitedly. I remember watching its trailer but it was too scary, what can I do, I hate clowns!
"Or is Kookie scared?" Jimin teased me but, nu-uh, I'm gonna get over my childhood fear!
"Who? Me? Haha, Jimin-shi, you never once saw my abilities" I smirked.
"It's just a film, start it already, why are we even talking about a childish horror film?" he shook his head while giggling.

Half way of the film, a jumpscare came and I jumped on Jimin's lap with a scream...
"What the- Jungkook are you okay?" I buried my face in his chest.
"That really scared me hyung!" he patted my back while I retreated my face away and blushed from our position.
"Ah, oops, sorry for s-siting on you h-hyung.." I sat back down on my seat.
"It's okay, anyway, lets watch."

After a while the film finished and I sighed.
"Finallyyyyy" I said,
"What? You didn't like it?"
"I did, it was just scary.."
"You just said you weren't scared before watching the film!"
" 'before' watching it hyung 'before'..."

We chatted together, made dinner and enjoyed each others presence (?).
He told me more about himself and that his parents died when he was just a child, poor Jimin...

It was 11pm, woah, we really did spend lots of time! Now we are on my bed staring at the ceiling. I'm thinking about my big, BIG crush on Jimin that I'm now sure of.
"What are you thinking of hyung?" I asked curiosly.
"You." What?
"W-what? w-hat about m-me?" I asked with a bright blush and an increasing heartbeat.
"Your beautiful big, innocent doe eyes, your plump rosy lips, your cute cheeks, your lovely, shy personality, your mesmerizing smell and looks. Your soft hair. Your unique bunny teeth, cute nose. Your hands, the most, your heart. All in all, you. The things that makes me extremely happy and my heart stutter. God Jungkook you are the epitome of beauty." He said, making my breath stop and eyes widen, his beautiful words made my heart dance and I sat up straight looking at him. Is he serious!
"H-hyung, what do you mean I-I-" he shut me up by landing his soft lips on mine. I can't believe this! He, Jimin, my crush (now the person I really, really like), is kissing me! After a while, I as well, closed my eyes, lost in the feeling. After 10 seconds, which felt like heaven, he stoped kissing me and spoke.
"Jungkook, I wanted to say this for a very long time now, I....... Like you, no! Love you..." he said hesitantly. i froze on the spot, he, he loves me...
"Jungkook, hey, Bunny!" He waved his hands and I came back to reality.
"Hyung!" I jumped on him hugging him with a my strenght and kissed him. He laughed and put his hands on my waist.
"I also love you hyung.." I said sobbing after breaking the kiss. His smile widened more and eyes turned into crescents, a holy sight...
"I thought you would never love me like that.."
"Shh, shh, baby, don't cry" he said hugging me tight, I felt so warm and secure in his arms, never wanting to let go. After a while, I stopped crying and asked him:
"Hyung, when did you first start liking me?" I asked, sniffing.
"Since when I first saw you." He said while caressing my hair. We slept like that all night, with his warmth it was easy to sleep, and with a happy heart that he loves me.

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That was a cheesy but happy chapter. i hope you guys enjoyed and I'm sorrry again for not updating. And I feel sorry for myself and you cause, tomorrow there's school, sorry for making you remember, but I'm sure you never forgot, byee! Have a good life and school life!

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