Chapter 5

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Its been 2 days since I saw Jimin and that figure that was watching me from afar. Saying I was frightened because of that someone would be an understatement. I rushed to Taehyung that day and told him all about it and he said to call the police if that happens again which fortunately did not happen. I have Jimin's phone number so I called him but he didn't answer, but at the 10 th call he answered....

"Hyung, Jimin Hyung? Where are you? Its been 2 days and you didn't come here, you usually always come. Are you okay? is something wrong? Why didn't you answer me the first time I called you? I wa-" " Jungkook calm down, I am okay, haha. Im sorry for not calling you. Its just that I went to Seoul for some family issues. Sorry for not telling you but I forgot cause it was pretty serious." He said, sounding sorry. "It's okay hyung, I just missed you so much- anyways, when are you gonna come back hyung?" I asked him, I just miss him so much. "Uuum, I will come tomorrow" "Hyung, do you wanna go somewhere tomorrow? like around 2-4 pm, I finish my work early and I don't need to go to the other one." I asked him hopefully, I wanna spend more time with him. "Okay."

Time Skip

I woke up at 6 am and wore my clothes, black t-shirt, black beanie, converse and black skinny jeans. I'm so excited because we gonna go out today with Jimin-hyung. Ahh, I missed him so much. I went to the Sunshine Coffee Shop and started working. It was late afternoon when I saw him entering the coffee shop, all in his handsome state with ripped black skinny jeans which hugged his honey thick thighs perfectly plus  a grey shirt and white t-shirt under and his black boots. I almost drooled at the sight!

He smiled his eye-smile to me which made butterflys' erupt in my stomach. What is this? I smiled back and he came in front of me; luckily, there was no customer or Tae or Yoongi hyung right now so we could talk. I still had 1 hour and 30 minutes to finish my work. "Omo, hi hyung, you look so handsome!" I said with my bunny smile, it was my first time not stuttering when saying something like this. " And you look cute" he said, making me blush. "Awww, you're so cute!!" he pinched my red cheeks. Ok, I'm dead-.

Time Skip

Hyung was looking at his phone, drinking coffee and I was making coffee for the last 5 customers while Tae and Yoongi hyung were taking the  orders. At last I finished and changed my clothes to my own and called Jimin-hyung. Once he saw me, he froze and looked at me from head to toe while I was squealing under his intense gaze. Checking me out!? He then held my hand and we got out of the coffee shop. "Hyung, lets go to cinema!" I said excitedly. "Ok, as you say cutie." I choked on my spit with that word. We went to the cinema and got some popcorn and went into a horror film. "Are you sure about this Kookie?" "Hyung, I'm not a baby..." "Okay then...."  During the film the scary scenes start to come and I squealed and jumped on my seat because of the jumpscares, trying hard not to show the laughing man next to me that I am scared, I pouted and carried on watching the film. I was so much into the film when the scariest part came, I screamed and jumped on Jimin-hyung. I hugged him side ways and hid my face in his neck, he patted head and when I came back to my senses I retreated back to my seat saying sorry to him. "It's okay Jungkook, I told you not to watch this." He said while playfully rolling his eyes. Finally the film finished and we got out of the cinema.

"Lets go to the park near here" Jimin said and I nodded. The park was beautiful, pink trees, greenery and the smell of the nature. I looked at Jimin-hyung and he was inhaling the smell. We talked a little about our life and made some jokes here and there laughing, enjoying the presense of each other. It almost felt like a date, but its not. "Hyung! hyung! Lets get ice-cream pweaaassee!" I screamed at Jimin-hyung while pointing at the ice-cream parlor. He ordered vanilla and I got cookies and cream. I was licking the ice-cream deliciously when Jimin-hyung called out. "Jungkookie can I taste yours? It looks delicious." omg, those nicknames will be the death of me. "Of course hyung" He licked a big stripe and I hit his arm to stop him after the 6th lick. "YAH YAH HYUNG! You gonna finish it!" He just laughed and gave it back to me. I took some of it on my finger and put it on his nose, chuckling evilly,"That's what you get hyung." "You little- come here!" I laughed while running away from him, we made circles around the big trees and I was so tired so I stopped and tried to gain my breath back. I yelped when I was pushed to the ground and Jimin-hyung sat on me, smearing ice-cream all over my face. "Now we're even" he said smirking. "But I just did on your nose! Its not fair!" I shouted, trying to get up. He looked so hot on top of me, I need to get up now. "Hyung, you so fat! Get off of me!" I said. He gasped while getting up, "Me? Fat? Na-ah, I think you mean hot" he said and I blushed, aishh! He pinched my cheek while smirking and held my hand, walking away. I calmed and started licking my ice-cream again which I saved from it falling.

We were finished with our ice-creams by the time we arrived to a Japanese restaurant. Japanese Food! Yum! "So, I came here like this but if you dont like it here we ca-" "no! Japanese food is my favourite!" He happily led us in and we sat down in one of the tables. Soon enough, a waiter came amd took our orders I ordered Udon and Jimin-hyung Donburu. Its been a while last time I came here. "I sometimes think how I got to be this luck to be your friend Jungkook" Jimin-hyung started. "Why? I'm just a normal person being." I said, confused. "It's just that all these years no-one was my friend, I was all alone by myself, no-one to have fun and go aroung with" hearing this makes me sad. "I'm so sorry hyung about that, but people are ignorant but most of them are not, maybe its just that they weren't the right one. But hyung, your family?" "I guess thats the case. And by f-family I mean just my father a-and ill mother..." he said, now I start to become guilty. "I'm so sorry for asking hyung, I hope she will get better.." "Its okay Jungkook." he smiled at me. The waiter brang our foods and we start eating. I hummed in delight, "hmm, its been a while since I ate Japanese food, I missed it so much!" Jimin-hyung smiled, "I usually don't eat Japanese food, but I choose to come here today with you" "Good choice" I said and he nodded.

After finishing our food, we went to the Han river and watch the night sky and the lights on the river. So beautiful. "I wish I was with you the whole time you had to get through that." I said, "What?" "Loneliness, I know how it feels like." "It's okay Jungkook. Lets not talk about it, I want today to be as happy as possible." I smiled at him. From afar, I heard faint music noises, the curiosity got the best of me and I grabbed Jimin's hand and led us there. "Where are we going?" he asked. "To that music"

There were 1 boy dancing proffesionally on the side-walk while the other one was rapping, he was tall and had grey hair, lots of people were watching in awe. My eyes widened as I watched him do the Boogaloos, and the other one rapping, it was so cool. "Wahh!" I said as I watched the tall and pink haired man dance. "Wow, they really good at this!" Jimin-hyung said. On a big box in front of the people were written Neuron, and I guess its their group name. After the performance, they got lots of prazes and we got out of there. "I wonder how did they learn to dance like that" I mumbled to myself even though I know the answer.

"It's 10:30, I guess its time to go." Jimin-hyung said, sounding sad. "I know, I wish we had more time but I need to go to work and to my art colleague." "Yeah, but it doesn't matter, we still have the forever to ourselves" "haha, yes, forever" we walked to my apartment and said our goodbyes' and he went to his own. I changed my clothes and layed on my bed in a happy mood, thinking about Jimin and smiling to myself, butterfly's erupting in my stomach. Its too early to feel this way but you can't stop your heart, can you? The heart wants what it wants. I fell asleep with the thoughts of that mysterious man, Jimin.

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