Chapter two

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(I was listening to perfect by Ed Sheeran)
Jay: Will you go on a date with me?

Your mouth gaped open before replying

You: Yes, I would like that Ackles

You called Grace "Hello"

"G-grace, I'm going on a date with Jensen Freaking Ackles"

She screamed making you pull the phone away from your ear. "No way"

"Yep" "Y/n, I'm flying down there right now, let me grab my already packed stuff"

"What about Jason" You questioned "He can take care of himself, he's much better now. I gotta go, see you later"

"Bye" You hit the red button and plopped down on the bed, you fell backwards your head hitting the pillow. After a few minutes your phone dings.

Jay: Okay, I'll pick you up tomorrow at noon.can't wait to see you. wear something nice

You: Sounds great. Same for you, Ackles.

~Time skip to when Grace gets there~

You hear knocks on the door "Y/n it's me Grace" you jump out of bed and run to the door, you open it and pull her into the apartment. "We need to go shopping" she nods and grabs your hand pulling you outside, towards her Car.

She drives you to the mall and you and her go into the dress shop. You try on six different dresses. "Grace, I'm never gonna find one" you sigh. She comes over holding a dress that was plain black, knee length, also sleeves that go to your elbows the the top part of it had lace.

"I love it!!" She handed to the cashier and you started to pull out your wallet "No, I'm gonna pay for it Y/n." You slowly pull out the money "Y/n" she says in a stern voice. You sigh and put your wallet up. Looking down at her swollen belly.

"Next we have to find shoes" you and her walk to the shoe department. You find a pair of heels "luckily I know how to walk in these babies" you laugh. She pays for them. "Okay now we go get food, for dinner. Then straight to bed for you" "Okay, Mom" She laughs.

She takes you to a pizza joint and you both eat, then go home. "Go to bed now!" You kick off your shoes and make your way to the bathroom to brush your teeth.

You walk into the bedroom, plopping down on the bed. You stare at the ceiling smiling for a few minutes before falling asleep.

~Time skip to the morning~

"Y/n get up" you stir then mumble a 'no', then realize that your going on a date with Jensen today. You jump up "I made you breakfast" you climb out of the bed, your toes hitting the carpet.

You walk into the kitchen, grabbing the mug of coffee, while munching on the bacon. "Okay, Grace I'm going to take a shower." She nods and you walk into the bathroom, the water pressure was amazing. You step out and put on your lingerie, then your dress.

"Y/n let me in so I can do your hair and makeup!" You open the door and the steam rolls out. She dries your hair and puts into a perfect messy bun "Grace, I'm worried" "why?" She pulls out your makeup bag

"he and Danneel just recently broke up, and I don't think I'm quite sure I want to date again." she started on foundation "Y/n he wouldn't have asked you out if he wasn't ready, trust me. I watched the convention on YouTube, he looked at you like Jason looks at me. Two the dick you dated didn't deserve you, or your time. Okay." You sighed "Okay"

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