Chapter 16

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The midwife grabbed something from her bag. I looked and I saw a needle. She waited for Chad and stuck the needle into his neck. "You bitch" he screamed. He soon hit the floor. "Sedatives. He'll be out for a long while." She said.

"Thank you so much." I said. She nodded. She helped me put the kids in their carseats and get them into the car. She drove us to the hospital and they wheeled me and the kids back.

"Miss. Do you have anyone we can call?" The nurse said. "Uh, my husband. Jensen... Jensen ackles" I said. She nodded walking away. "Perfect Health, Mrs. Ackles. Do we have names?" She asked and I smiled.

"Aiden James and Lyric Grace Ackles." I said, she smiled writing it down. "Beautiful names" She said walking out. I smiled. Another nurse brought my kids back in. She laid them on my chest. I couldn't help the tears that fell down my face as I looked at my babies.

"Your husband is on his way, Mrs. Ackles." The nurse said. I fed the babies. I laid them in their little crib container that the hospital provided.

I dozed off. "Baby?" Jensen's voice said and my eyes shot open. He ran to me carefully wrapping his arms around me. He kissed me and I put my hand on his cheek. I felt tears rolling down his cheek. I looked into his eyes. I placed my forehead against his.

I took my thumbs and wiped the tears off his cheek. "Baby, I searched everywhere for you. I-i was so scared t-that he h-had..." he said. "Jay, baby, I'm here. I'm safe" I said.

"Meet your Children Jensen" I said and he pulled away turning to see his kids. He let out a little laugh. "They're Beautiful." He said. He picked Aiden up and I reached over picking Lyric up. "Aiden James and Lyric Grace" I said. He smiled.

"Perfect." He whispered. "Where's JJ?" I asked. "In the lobby with Jared." He said. "Can you get her?" I asked. I laid Lyric back down and he did the same with Aiden.

He left the room and came back with JJ on his hip and Jared behind him. "Mommy!" She yelled and Jensen quieted her. He handed her to me and I hugged her, not as tight as I wanted due to me being so weak. "I missed you mommy" she said. "I missed you too baby girl." I kissed her forehead.

Jensen pulled her off of me. "You need to rest" He said. I nodded closing my eyes. The nurse woke me up a few hours later. She checked my vitals.

I looked at my husband who was asleep on the little couch, with JJ on his chest. Jared wasn't in there. She left the room.

I climbed out of bed on shaky legs I walked to the bathroom. I did my business and washed my hands. I walked back out. I grabbed a blanket covering Jensen and JJ.

I walked over to the babies. I grabbed the diapers the hospital provided, making a mental note for Jensen to grab my hospital bag. I changed the babies. I laid back down falling asleep.

I woke up again feeling a pain in my stomach. Jensen was awake and he carefully laid JJ down and walked over to me. "What's wrong?" He asked. "My stomach." I said. He rested his hand on my stomach and I relished the heat.

I scooted over letting him lay over with me. He laid down with me. I laid on his chest. "Go to sleep, baby" he said. I dozed off. 

I woke up to one of the babies crying. I stood up picking Lyric up and feeding her. She stopped crying and I rocked her back to sleep. I laid her down.

I laid back down with Jensen. "Y/n, I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you. I should have tried harder. I shouldn't have left you alone. Baby I was so scared I lost you. I just wanted the nightmare to be over." He said. "Jensen, you couldn't have controlled that. Do not, I mean do not blame yourself. I'm here, your kids are here. That's all that should matter."

"Baby, you've lost 60 to 80 pounds. You  gave birth to twins, without proper medical help. You haven't probably ate anything in months." Jensen said.

"Jensen I'm here." I said once more. He sighed. I leaned up kissing him. He kissed me back. "Help me shower?" I asked. He nodded and we walked into the bathroom. I showered and Changed into the other hospital gown they had.

"Can you pick up the babies hospital bag and mine, please?" I asked. He nodded. "Thank you baby" I said leaning up and kissing him.

He left and the nurse came back in. "You seem to be getting around well." She said. I nodded. "Can I have anything for my stomach pain?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm actually gonna hook you up with and IV, it's gonna help with your dehydration." She said and I laid back down. She hooked it into my arm.

JJ woke up and she climbed into the bed with me. I ran my other hand through her hair. "Mommy, what's that thing?" She asked pointing at the IV in my arm.

"It's to help mommy, mommy is dehydrated, which means that mommy doesn't have a lot of water in my body." I said. "Yous need to drink water." She said and I smiled. I kissed her head.

"Where'd Daddy go?" She asked. "She went to pick up our bags." I told her. "Daddy show me to the babies, while yous was sleeping" she said peeeping at the twins. "yeah?" I said.

"Theys so tiny. Theys so cute. I love them." She said and I smiled. The nurse walked in. "Mrs. Can we get you anything?" She asked.

"Can I have a water?" I asked and she nodded. "We are gonna try and let you eat some soup, we can get her something if you'd like." She said. I nodded. She walked out.

I kissed the top of her hair. They brought in our food and we ate and then went back to sleep. I rubbed her back as she slept kissing her head. I laid back closing my eyes and falling asleep.



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