Chapter 15

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Jensen's mind wanted him to believe that his wife and daughter were at home safe, and this was just a nightmare. His nerves shot through the roof while they were on the plane.

His leg bounced up and down repeatedly. "Sir could you please stop." The lady sitting beside him asked.

He cleared his throat and apologized. They landed and Jared and him took off to find a taxi. He took them to Jensen's house. The cops were pulled up searching the place.

Jensen ran inside, his heart was in his throat as he saw stuff laying around. He looked into the bedroom seeing her phone scattered and the bed a mess.

He felt as if he was going to throw up. "Sir you can't be in here this is an active crime scene." The officer said ushering Jensen out of the room.

He saw a note on the table, under a place mat. He picked it up it reading, "I won Jensen, she's mine, oh and trust me, I will know if you try and bring someone along, I will end their lives. You have a very Beautiful daughter. Better come alone." Jensen slammed the note on the table.

He found Jared outside talking to Gen. Gen ran up and hugged me. "Jensen, I'm so sorry" She said and I hugged her back. "We're gonna get her back." I said.

~A few hours later~

Jared and Gen offered me a place to stay and I accepted. I waited for them to fall alseep before leaving. I got my car driving to the one place I knew he'd take her.

I walked in the buildings door. "Jensen! You made it" Chad said and Jensen growled. "You wanna see them? Come on.... BUT first" Chad said. Two guys came behind Jensen handcuffing him. They grabbed his arms forcing him to walk.

They went to a cellar. He saw his wife curled on the floor crying, chained to the post behind her. He searched for his daughter and found her in a pet taxi.

They threw him on the ground. Y/n gasped. "Little family reunion, so sweet. Say bye to them Jay, I'll give you a little while" Chad said.

They left and Jensen walked over to his wife. She hugged him sobbing into his chest. "I'm sorry Jensen I should have protected her better-" Y/n tried saying but he cut her off with a kiss. "No, were gonna make it out. You did the best you could." Jensen said.

He noticed the Bobby pin in her hair. "Give me the pin in your hair." Jensen  whispered. She reached up pulling it out before. He sat down and she unhooked the handcuffs. He sat back with his hands behind his back as they walked in again.

Chad moved closer to the couple on the floor. Jensen balled up his fist with the handcuff between it to make the punch worse. He jumped up socking Chad in the face. Jensen punched him to the ground. 

When Jensen knew that Chad wasn't getting back up he grabbed the keys from Chad's pocket. He let his daughter free, JJ ran into his arms.

He set his wife free but realized she wasn't going to be able to walk due to her leg. Jensen wrapped his arm around his wife helping her walk but she accidentally put pressure on her leg, and she screamed out in pain.

I set her back down. "Jensen get JJ out of here. Just come back for me" His wife said and he leaned down kissing her. He didn't want to leave her, but he knew he needed to get JJ out.

Jensen ran out searching for his car that wasn't there. one of the other guys came out shutting the door behind Jensen locking from the inside.

"NO!" Jensen screamed trying to kick down the door. He knew he shouldn't have left his wife alone. The guys picked Chad up carrying him off. Y/n sobbed.

"Did you think it'd be that easy?" One of the guys said. "It was staged, sweetheart. At least you got to see your husband and daughter one last time." He said as they walked away.

~Timeskip to 4 months~ (9 months pregnant)

Chad flew me across state to somewhere Jensen would find me. I looked into the mirror, not recognizing the woman looking back at me. I've lost 20 to 30 pounds, I have dark bags under my eyes from not sleeping.

"What are you doing? You should be laying down." Chad said and I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Get your ass in bed. The midwife will be here anytime soon" He said grabbing me and pushing me onto the bed.

My water had broke a few hours ago. "Please, please let Jensen be here. I don't want him to miss this" I said. "NO!!" he screamed. "Jensen, you don't belong to him anymore. you're... you're mine! All mine" he said and I let the tears roll down my face.

"Chad! I'm here!" A womans voice said and he walked to go meet her. He brought her into the room. I clenched the bed sheets as a contraction went through me. "Stay. Away. from. me" I said trying to close my legs as she pulled them apart. Chad held my legs down.

"Oh I see were dialated enough. Start pushing." She said. "Ooh were crowning!!" Chad said. The first babies cries filled the room. "It's a boy!" She said doing what she need to my son.

She laid him on my chest. "Baby number two is almost here" She said. I pushed one more time and my daughters cry mixed with her brother's.

I held them closely. I ran my thumbs over their heads. I moved so they could eat. The woman waited for them to feed before taking them from me to clean them and dress them.

Chad left the room and came back with two carseats. The woman laid them back on my chest and I cried. They don't deserve this. "Ma'am, I n-need a h-hospital" I said. "I will try to get you the help." She whispered.


Hey guys!! Sorry for the late post, Saturday was my Birthday, and I've been busy. I'm sorry this sucked. I have really bad writers block, and my depression has gotten worse. Anyway hope you guys like this!!

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