Chapter 6

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Y/n's POV (1 person)

I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it, I have a pounding headache. I open my eyes slowly to see I'm in a dark room, my eyes scan the room around me. I tried to move my arms, only to find out that I'm tied to the post behind me.

"Help!" I screamed. I saw Chad walk in. "Shh princess, it's okay." He said getting closer. He placed his hand on my cheek and I turned my head and bit his hand. "Aww Fuck!" He yelled. He slapped me. "Little bitch, your going to change and marry me, That Ken doll doesn't want you, he just felt pity for you. He'll find someone more famous and prettier and marry them"

I started crying. "Y-you don't know that" I said. He punched me and I blacked out. "Sleep now, you'll need it" Chad said.

Jensen's POV

"Jensen calm down and tell me what happened?" Jared said coming into my line of view. "I received a call from y/n, and it turned out to be Chad, he's got her. He's going to kill her, she's terrified of him, after what he did to her" I felt the tears rolling down my face, I was just thinking about if I actually lost her.

"Did you call the cops?" Jared asked and I nodded. "They said they'd be on it, we're flying down there now, I have to find her, man." I said.

Jared pulled me into a hug "we both will, let me make a call to Gen" he stepped out of my trailer and I started packing my things. I have to find Kripke and tell him, hopefully he'll understand.

Jared walked back in "Eric said it was okay if we left, he understands he said we'll come back when we find her" I sighed thankfully. "Let's leave" I said grabbing my stuff and heading out the door."

-timeskip to when you wake up-
Y/n's POV

I woke up and blinked a bit, trying to get rid of yet another pounding headache. "Look she's awake" I heard a female voice my eyes searched the room and I saw my sister, with her belly swollen. "Sara you have to let me go, please"

She scoffed. "Now why would I do that, mine and Chad's plan is, once this baby is born, I leave it here with him, make myself look more like you, and let Jensen find me, and then I'll be happy with him and you will be stuck with Chad, while I'm rich! But of course I'm going to share some with Chad."

"You've got the plan wrong, when you marry Ackles, you'll divorce him and then marry me and we'll be rich together." They both laughed and kissed. I dropped my chin to my chest. "how can y'all do that to him? He's a nice man, he doesn't hurt anyone" I cried out thinking about him losing all his stuff.

Chad came over and grabbed my chin roughly making me look him in the eyes. "Because, he's rich and right in the palm of your hand, well technically her."

She stood up "toodles, I have a baby to birth, along with a make over!" She said. Chad took off the chains and then walked out locking the door from the outside. I screamed, but of course it wasn't heard. I dropped to my knees thinking about Jensen, praying for forgiveness.


Hello, guys.
I got this part published sorry for the wait, I'm an awful writer, enjoy!


598 words

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