Chapter 17

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(Why is this man so hot? 😍😍)

Jensen came in with our bags sometime in the AM hours. He carefully lifted JJ off of me and laid her down on the couch provided and covered her in a blanket. He pulled the chair up beside me and his fingers intertwining with mine. He kissed the back of my hand. Almost as it wasn't real.

"I'm sorry, I should have protected you better." He whispered. "Jay, you did your best. You couldn't have helped it. I'm here, your kids are here. I don't want to think of it anymore. I just want to focus on you and the kids." I said and he nodded. He stood up slightly kissing me.

He pulled away resting his forehead against mine as our eyes stayed close. Just enjoying being back in each others touch. He kissed my forehead before sitting down. "Get some sleep, baby." He said and I nodded closing my eyes and falling asleep.

I woke up again to pain in my broken leg. I saw Jensen asleep and I didn't want to wake him. I gripped the side rail of the bed. Luckily the doctor walked in and saw me. She quickly ran up. "Ma'am are you okay?" She asked. "My leg" I said and she grabbed the pain killers and gave me two and I waited for them to kick in.

She checked everything. "We may have to put you on oxygen, your oxygen levels are dropping." She said and I nodded. It just hurt to breathe. She left and came back with the oxygen tube that just stayed in my nose. She hooked it up and placed it on my face. "if you need anything call" she said walking out and closing the door.

I looked at Jensen, noticing his soft features as he slept. I fell asleep a few hours later and woke up to JJ giggling. I smiled at the scene before me. Jensen had JJ on his shoulders and was holding her as he slung her around gently. The nurse wheeled in the babies and handed them to me. I fed them and held onto them for a little while. Jensen took Lyric from me


I finally got to go home, the kids too. I had to be on crutches, which was hard having newborns. Jensen and I had to move the cribs downstairs so I wouldn't have to climb up them. JJ was a big help with her siblings.

Jensen took off from filming for a few months. "Hey Babe, where did we put the pacifiers?" Jensen asked and I pointed to the coffee table. "In the little bag." I said and he nodded pulling the bag out and handing the crying Aiden his paci.

He quieted down as Jensen rocked him. Aiden looked exactly like Jensen, he had his hair, his bright green eyes, he had my nose and that was it, he was a carbon copy of Jensen as a baby. Lyric looked exactly like Jensen too, she had hazel eyes, and Jensen's hair color and his nose.

I got up off the couch and waddled over to the crib which held Lyric and picked her up. She clutched onto my finger and I smiled holding her tightly.

I watched Jensen with the kids and I thought how lucky I was. He was my everything, and I knew nothing could tear us apart. "Baby?" He asked and I zoned back in and he chuckled. "What were you thinking about?" He asked and I leaned over giving him a kiss. "You." I said and he rolled his eyes playfully. "I know I'm that awesome." He said and I scoffed.

"Hmm, you keep thinking that.." I said and he gasped. We laughed and I laid Lyric back down once she fell asleep. "Can we watch Avengers!" JJ asked and I looked at Jensen. "She is definitely my daughter." I said with a laugh.

He put in the movie and we cuddled up on the couch. JJ sat in my lap as we watched the movie. Thor and Captain America came on screen and I fanned myself and Jensen rolled his eyes as I giggled.

JJ fell asleep and Jensen put her in her bed. I turned off the Movie and laid down on the pull out couch. Jensen climbed in and pulled me to his chest, carefully. "My mom wants to come over and see the kids." He said. "That would be great. She hasn't seen the twins yet." I said. "She's coming tomorrow." He said and I gasped. "Jay, the house isn't clean!" I said and he shushed me. "Baby it's okay, doing worry about that, she knows you have had a lot on your plate." He said and I sighed.

The next morning I woke up and Jay was feeding the kids. I smiled as he had one twin on either side of him giving them their bottle. JJ was eating her breakfast and I hobbled over to grab myself some coffee. I poured the cup and as I was going to turn I knocked my crutch over. JJ quickly ran over and handed it to me. "Here you go momma." She said and I leaned down carefully, kissing the top of her head. "Thank you baby." I said and she went back to eating.

Jay's mom and dad came in around lunch. "It's so good to see you!" Donna said as she hugged me. I smiled hugging her back. I hugged Alan. "This is my favorite daughter-in-law." He said and I smiled.

"Nana! Papa!" JJ yelled as she ran to them. My leg started to cramp and I winced, Jensen came up beside me, helping me sit back down. I smiled, "thanks." I whispered.

The twins started crying and his parents moved over and started loving on them. Donna was enjoying having a baby in her arms. She held on to Aiden. Aiden was the crier. Lyric was more laid back and calm. I rested my leg on the table. Jensen's hand grabbed mine as he turned on the TV for JJ.

I smiled at him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. "How does Hamburgers sound for Lunch?" Jensen asked. Everyone nodded. "I'll help." Alan said as he handed Lyric to me and the guys moved to the kitchen.


So sorry for the long wait guys! But here is an update. It's probably not gonna be that good, next update will be better.


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