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This story will be put on hold for a while. I'm trying to make a chappie with about 5000 words. No songs, no "previously", no shiz like that whatsoever. I'm so sorry, but right now I'm having a hard time putting what I'm imagining for the plot in words. Like I ended up changing the plot from what I previously planned and now I'm mad at myself.

Plus school is stressful. It's has been less than two months of school and so far it's been homework, projects, essays, and ughh.
I have all adv classes and I'm not used to it. Last year I only had Advanced Math and Orchestra. Now, it's Adv English, Adv History, Adv Math, and Adv Science too. I have a B in English and science, my History teacher hasn't put in our grades but I can tell my grade isn't going to be high. Progress reports come out on Friday and I want to cry.

Why must 8th grade be so hard? 😭😭 In addition, lately I have been in arguments with my boyfriend. I cried 4 TIMES in 30 minutes on Thursday. I know right, a new record for me :D (Edit- LMAO I broke up with his ass a long ass time ago )

Anyways, the next chapter won't be out until like next weekend. The Saturday of the weekend after that is my birthday:D I will be turning 14 lololololol. Should I make Omakes for it? PM me or comment!

Until next time my patatoes. I appreciate you guys. You actually take the time to read my bad story, and some of you even vote or comment! I feel loved when you guys do that.

Anywaysss, stay tuned for the next chapter! Vote, comment, and follow me! Follow me or add this story to your library if you want a notification for when I update.

~Nunyabuzz-desu out!

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