Chapter 8

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   Nick stood protectively over Alex's still form as he waited at the end of the tunnel. Damon had said to wait for his return, but he was taking an awfully long time. Nick licked his lips and trembled in fear as he worried about the creature he was destined to slay. He'd known he was of a line of men who killed Darklens for a living, but he wasn't sure he could ever do that. They seemed like such vile creatures. He could never kill one. That's when he heard heavy footsteps coming down the tunnel.

   He raised his knife and prepared himself for the fight of his destiny, but it didn't come. Instead, his father's face appeared from the darkness. "Come on, Nicholas. Help me up, quick!"

   He grabbed his father's hand without hesitation and hauling him up easily. He father groaned and that was when Nick saw the wound in his chest. He gasped and set his father on the ground.

   Damon clutched his chest, but refused the bandage that Nick pressed towards him. "No. I'm already dying Nick. Save it for the princess if she needs it. Now get her back to the castle and hide all the royals in the cellars. I managed to kill that one beast, but where there's one, there're more. I've sent off a beacon to warn the few remaining Lights about what happened. They'll be here soon to help deal with it, but your the descendent of the leader. You need to be responsible for them. Now get her to safety. No matter what it takes." With that, he leaned back on the tree trunk behind him and relaxed.

   Nick sniffed, but knew better than to argue with him. He turned and picked up Alex, carrying her off into the woods in the direction of the castle. He stopped in a small clearing that had the perfect shelter in it.

   There were special trees in such cleanings called Tentmakers, given their name by their stilt like roots that formed an overhanging canopy, big enough to keep three grown men dry. He laid her under it and pulled the cloak tighter around her, removing the hood from her face. He got a fire going and cooked a squirrel he caught before he heard Alex begin moving.

   She sat up and shook her head, clearing it from being out for so long. He handed her a rock plate of squirrel meat before beginning on his. He gave her a larger portion, makigg sure she was healthy and well fed. She glanced up at his frown and noted how he looked extremely disappointed. "If you're upset that you had to kick me out, then don't be. It was all for my own good."

   He shook his head. "No. It's not that. It's just…dad is dead. He sacrificed himself for both of us, but he did manage to kill it before coming here. Besides that, tomorrow we need to get travelling. I have to take you back to the castle and protect all the royals from any attacks." Alex gasped and stood, spilling the empty rock plate onto the ground.

   "No! I will not go back there!" She stomped her foot and looked like she was having a diva tantrum.

   He stood as well, towering over her at six foot five. "You'll do as I say for your own protection."

   "I'm the princess and I order you to take me further from the castle."

   "I'm your guardian and I say we head to the castle! You'll cooperate or else…" He walked closer, getting ominously close to her. "…I'll drag you there, bound and gagged. I don't care what your parents think."

   She opened her mouth forba retort, but it didn't come. She stared up at him in anger, glaring hard enough that a steak would've turned to jerky under it. "Not unless I can stay away from you."

   She took one step towards the forest, but then, his big body was on top of hers, pushing her to the ground and sitting on her waist. She grunted and shoved at his legs, squirming and kicking for all she was worth. "Let me go, you heathen!"

   He grabbed her hands and pinned them to the ground beside her head, leaning forward and staring into her eyes. She froze as he held her still, staring into her soul with those eyes that reminded her of nighttime fog. So eerie. So cold. So…captivating.

   She relaxed and as she did, he got lower, getting his lips close to hers. "I'll warn you now. I will go to extreme lengths to protect you. Don't try to…"

   She cut him off by raising her lips that quarter of an inch that brought them into contact with his. He moaned and pressed his face downwards, pushing her head back until she didn't have to exert herself to do this. His hands relaxed and let go, straying down to her sides to stroke and touch the dress that protected her skin from him. She pulled away for breath ad when she did, he moved his lips down to her chest, kissing and sucking at her collar bone before moving even lower towards dangerous territory.

   She gasped and grabbed his cheek, forcing his face upwards. "If your lips go any lower and doing this will definitely be a crime."

   He gulped and nodded, but got off and stood, helping her up. "Alright. Let's get some sleep."

   As they laid down, he slipped his hand around her waist and cuddled close. She smiled and settled deeper, falling asleep quickly as his heat warmed her in the cool fall night.

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