Chapter 29

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   They both gasped and Ochulissa pushed Caine away. She glared at Nick and Louis. "Not a word about this later. If you even think about bringing it up, I'll geld you both. No threat to the queen though. I'm supposed to protect her."

   Nick and Louis didn't dare laugh. Ochulissa looked like a girl of her word. Caine though, looked all but embarrassed, just wanting another kiss it seemed. He followed Ochulissa up the stairwell like a love sick dog before he shook himself back into focus. He met Nicks eyes once and then ripped them away. The queen smiled at Ochulissa. "You must be that new Light that Nick told me about."

   She smiled and nodded, holding he  lantern high. "Yep. I'm actually happy to be the only girl. It'll make me prove myself easier."

   Louis, not a fan of Ochulissa, mumble  under his breath. "Also makes it easier to get the guys."

   She was about to whirl around to geld him but suddenly they all felt the Darklen coming. They stood around the queen in a defensive position and as soon as the creature came down the stairs, Caine struck it with the lantern light. A strange thing happened as he did.

   As soon as the Darklen emerged into the glow, a bluish white bolt of what looked like lightning shot out of the lap and hit the creature. It howled in pain before slumping to the ground and beginning to shrink. Right in front of them, it turned into a mangy dog which fell off the side of the pit in its confusion. Nick chuckled dryly. "Wow! So that's how they work."

   They ran up the stairwell and they turned to go to the one leading up to the outside world, but suddenly, there were dozens of Darklens coming out of tunnels, sheltering themselves in the shadows. Nick held his lantern out and suddenly, a bolt of lightening shot from it to strike one of the vile creatures. Just as it began to shrivel, one Darklen veered away from Caine's lantern and struck the wall, sending a mighty tremor through the floor. Louis yelled and tripped, sending a domino effect along the ledge. As all of the Lights fell over, every lantern was sent rolling off the edge. Nick glanced over and couldn't believe it.

   "Shit!" He swore. Without those, the shadows offered all the protection to the Darklens. No sunlight could come around into this tunnel. He rolled over and saw a Darklen racing towards him. Time seemed to slow down and Nick felt every pawstep the creature made. It's eyes glowed bright yellow while it's lips were pulled back in a fearsome snarl.

   Nick closed his eyes, and sent out a silent thought. Forgive me Alex. I won't be there to see our baby.

   The creature was within three feet of clawing his heart out when suddenly, a burning branch struck it in the back. It howled in pain and sizzling sounds came from its flesh. In its pain crazed state, it floundered over the edge of the pit, still howling as it fell to its death. Nick looked up and saw something that both warmed his heart and sent chills of fear going down his spine.

   Ochulissa, who had fallen beside him, glance  up as well in confusion. "Who's that?"

   Nick growled angrily and stood, staring up at the figure in the sunlight. "No one. Just my fiance."

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