Chapter 31

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   The Darklen roared at the ceiling and all the Darklens jumped at once. Nick held up his lantern as did the rest of them and lightning zipped out to kill each one. Three of them got smart and darted aside, diving behind their leader. Datrigon snarled and stormed the Lights before they could expect it.

   They had heard that the lanterns didn't work on him and so they dove into the sunlight, but he kept charging, unaffected by the light. Nick thought quick and threw a burning branch at him. It struck his chest, but he thew it away and brushed the burning cinders away. He bared his fangs at Nick and stalked him a little more slowly. "The scent of your blood gives you away. You're the descendent of the leader."

   His evil wolf head swiveled towards the other Lights, regarding them with a disgusted snort. "I recognize all your scents. I fought against every one of your ancestors. Now you will join them in the afterlife."

   Datrigon swung around and rammed the wall with his head, sending a tremor through it that triggered a mini landslide. Nick gasped and jumped for the only safe spot. Datrigon's back. The Darklen grunted in confusion and then reached back with a claw, trying to dislodge his passenger. Before Datrigon got him off, rocks began to fall beside him. He leaped out of the way, hitting the ground hard enough that Nick went tumbling off of his shoulders, rolling almost completely off the edge of the pit.

   He gasped and turned to look down at the dizzying height, watching rocks and boulders falling down into it. The falling boulders had buried one Darklen and the other two off the edge. What amazed him was that the pit was so deep, no sound came from the rocks falling down into it. It seemed bottomless.

   He turned his head and watched as Datrigon stood to his altitudinous height, glowering down at him. He snarled and shook himself, sending a spray of pebbles and dust down on Nick. He hacked and coughed, ridding his throat of the dust and then he took a step towards Nick again. He raised a paw and roared. "Die, Light spawn!"

   Nick rolled away, dodging the paw that caved in half the ledge. Datrigon's strike was so powerful that his momentum sent him hurtling off the edge and into the abyss. Nick's first worry was that the creatures wings would save him, but then he remembered how they'd sagged around his shoulders and he figured they were too heavy and sluggish to fly.

   He chuckled and stood, going to the edge and peering down. His cocky attitude turned to horror as Datrigon came flying back up. His wings still looked slow and heavy, but they carried him well. He set his paws down on the ledge and roared at him. "Nice try!"

   With that, he leapt towards Nick and took down the leader of the Lights. Nick grunted and sent a hard kick upwards into Datrigon's underbelly, but the creature's abdominals took the brunt, feeling like a brick wall. Nick grunted and grabbed Datrigon's throat, keeping his jaws away from his neck. Drool dripped onto his cheek and he grimaced as it slid past his ear in his struggles. Datrigon's teeth snapped at his face, trying to get a hold of flesh, but unable to reach it.

   Nick glanced over at the landslide of rocks and saw that the ledge was blocked by the shale. The other Lights wouldn't be able to help him. That's when Nick got desperate. He swore he'd never do it because it felt wrong to, but he needed to survive right now.

   He sent his boot hurtling into Datrigon's groin.

   At first he didn't expect it to work, but Datrigon froze and then his head reared back, screeching like a normal Darklen. He fell back and Nick took that chance to snatch his knife from his belt and attack the creature's back. His first intention was to stab him in the neck, but when Datrigon recovered and spun around, Nick's aim got thrown off and he ended up stabbing him in the shoulder joint of his right wing.

   Datrigon howled in pain and a jet of viscous black blood spattered onto Nick's chest and neck. He shoved the knife deeper and more blood spurted from the wound. He yanked the knife out and this time, managed to get it into Datrigon's neck. He just missed the spine, but the Darklen was mortally injured. Nick shoved the knife deeper and Datrigon roared in agony, clawing at his neck to try and retrieve it. "No! I still live! I cannot die!"

   Nick laughed and jumped off, yanking the knife out. "Think again you bastard!"

   He backed up and waited for Datrigon to go down, but the Darklen turned, his red eyes rolling with anger and insanity. He said something in the Darklen language before hurling himself at Nick and digging his claws into his stomach.

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