Don’t hate me for who got killed!
Chapter @#
Richard’s P.O.V
I heard someone fired. Next thing you know Scot stops laughing, spits out blood and fell to the floor. We all quickly shifted. Our back to each other, looking for the person that killed Scot, I sniffed the air and I smelled something familiar.
At the club.“What’s up with the lights?” I asked.
“Someone paid a large amount for the lights to be on” She answered. I sniffed the air and it smelled of a lot of beer and alcohol. But there was this smell I couldn’t really put my finger on. It was weird and it smelled of pure evil. I looked up at the balcony and saw a old guy. He was wearing all black and a blue diamond ring. He looked like…… Ruth. Was that Ruth father?
Kay’s P.O.V
When I saw Scot fall my heart broke. But I would cry him later. Now I needed to make sure no one else got hurt. I quickly scanned the area for Justin to find that he was right next to me.
‘You scared me’ I told him.
‘Sorry’ He said.
‘Okay let’s split up and search the area. We’ll meet back here in 30. I already called everyone else’. Kyle came from inside and shifted.
Justin, Kyle and I headed to the south east of the property. I was leading since I knew the place better. I walked slowly through the woods. My ears and my whole body were in high alert.
‘KIMBERLY’ I heard Justin said as something tapped my neck and I quickly shifted. I touched my neck and grabbed the needle that was full of Arsenic. I think.
“Oh Fuck” I said in laughter. I saw a sea of wolf heading our way. I laughed. Justin shifted.
“Everything is going to be okay… I promise” He said.
“I can’t believe you won” I said and laughed and coughed.
“NO! No! I haven’t won yet”
“I love you” I said and my whole world went dark.
Kurt AdamKimberly got rejected by her mate because she was "UGLY". What was that sayin: ' Never Judge A Book By Its Cover.' Did Justin make a mistake or was his nose right? Well it didn't matter. Kimberly left and joined another pack. 2 years later faith or...